Message from @WACRx
Discord ID: 283431827102892033
This was the guy who snitched on me:
thats me delete that
wtf wtf DELETE IT
This guy is fucking weird
Women are easily redpilled by strong men -- they follow their leader
@everyone Come on in the voice chat 😊
are you giving out free tendies?
Of course
Don't fucking drop them
They're hot
Ben is with Jesus now
I see an account with @Autistotle but it doesn't appear to be you
Wait nooooo
kix is shit tier 😂
Yeah itz me
@potlds on twitter
Oh, I meant on twitter.
Cool, thanks.
MFW I love kix
anyone here around rhode island at all? i found out that theres a really cool newish arcade that opened up nearby and itd be cool to set up a get together