Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 289866055982252033
not psyops
i think it should be regulated to an extent
same, coorpoations have proven they cannot be completely trusted
I agree to an extent
There is a difference between central planning and having leverage on corporations, for example
I think we should kill the banks and have one central bank that gives and takes no interest
like /ourguy/ Adolf
top fucking kek
@esgee Fuck the hook-nosed bankers, and fuck interest slavery. Central bank is best bank.
>Letting the government anywhere near your money
Taxation is theft
what did he do
Each time I see those faggots I want to shoot them
This video is fucking gold thank you
>Seeing all of these communist/Socialist Parties in the US
**The Great Perge TM** When?
Is that from Sun-ken rock?
I saw a bird that looked like it was headbanging
it walked over to an old crab pot then flew off
>When you want to get rid of all of the Reds but you can't, but it's okay because everyone has their own freedom of speech and ways
Us in a nutshell
I think
Ie, outmatched in popualtion
I do really want to get something done besides planning myself but not really sure what to do besides get in shape for when shtf
is shtf something besides shit hits the fan or am I missunderstanding