Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 277973045078130689
How i sthe website going? 😃
@Odalist Refrain Does this look like shit? If so just keep your deer it looks good, snek doesn't necessarily matter
upset about anti-anti-fascism?
snek and deer is too cluttered
Too cluttered ye
Yea it looks that way
A little clunky @Anticom LR . Working on encorporating snek into deer antlers.
i think it was fine
>into deer antlers
w/o the snek shield
would think about changing colors though
what's with the elk?
elk = nature = natsoc
Yeah it looks good with deer I'm trying to incorporate our symbol in there if we can though
I think snake should be one logo, and deer a separate logo
like flag and battleflag
Either wrapped around it, or maybe going for medusa deer.
I still think we should all get bikes and use as shields like romans. Mobility, defense against flag poles, helmets..
fag tier
It is better for us if we dress like the average joe
can i still bringa bike anyway?
there was a suggestion in <#276947143540080641> to dress up like american greasers
you can bring bike
blue jeans, pomade, white t-shirts
didn't Styx sat that?
Also @Odalist Refrain Might be a good idea to have the snek in every country's flag/insignia and to represent the whole org, but separate flags/insignias for each chapter
Sounds pretty good
it was @Fahrenheit who I saw suggest it
We should have one symbol, the snek and shield looks rushed. why not stick with what we have
No I swear to fuck we should not have uniforms
@Fallen That only represents the US though. We have other countries with us
@Nitrodubz >Bike Nah get a pickup
uniforms are gay
Which is why I use the snek cause it's 1 symbol for the entire org
Let's not do uniforms