Message from @OneLessRed - TN
Discord ID: 278035509790375936
Berkely was actually a victory for us
I think @tinaVey said it best: we're gonna be viewed as Nazis no matter what we do.
One step at a time
We likely won't have to even fight those pansies. Our presence alone would keep them in their be honest.
Right now the most effective weapon against AntiFa is a camera
here's something I put together
lol antifa were throwing rocks at the police, don't fucking kid yourself they're not going to throw rocks at you
So let them throw rocks
I understand that, but it'd be nice to deal a double defeat. One where they turn normies off to them as they already do, and a physical defeat that will inspire normies to join us
have fun standing around having bottles thrown at you 'playing the victim'
Let one of them cut your eyebrow
@Cœur de Lion is right
Get it shown on camera
What we need is "camera squads"
people to defend those holding camera
wait your actually saying show up get hit by rocks and cry on camera
1 guy with camera and four or five defending them
I agree with the whole camera thing. They are fucking terrified of people recording their violence. Hidden cams and everything are the best, but we DO fucking need a way to defend ourselves.
@D3VNT you're right, the culture war of the utmost importance. But we should be ready to meet them at the protests to counter them.
Literally, yes, because you're not going to destroy communism by beating up edgy, angsty teenagers
We do our best to document, get their faces
Again, the question is non-violence or self defense. What are we trying to accomplish if a fight actually occurs? You can't have it both ways when the shit hits the fan.
Defeat them with logic *tip*
then we shame them in public and help cops pursue prosecution
Again, that's on you
Both non-violence and self defense.
There's already Trump anti-protestors going to these protests. A little bit of organization and some balls would inspire people
Nigger if someone punches you are you just going to be a pacifist?
Defend yourselves within your legal rights to do so
we can also use their shit for propaganda
Self defense and non-violence.
But stay within the confines of the law, naturually
We can have a anticom news that exposes the antifa
That's more or less the objective
We're not fucking brownshirts
Antifa is brownshirts
@D3VNT we've already established that we aren't going to be the ones initiating contact at all.