Message from @kingbobo
Discord ID: 277146815474827264
Liberal hell holes are densely populated
Guys i suggest you write your state or country in your nicknames
And with high liberal numbers
High liberal numbers in concentrated areas
I doubt they're fairly spread out in America, it's really just the outskirts of major cities is where they seem to be active
Anticon lead the way
I was getting some take out yesterday and CNN was on covering the UC Berkeley riot
Saying Milo's teaching white supremacy and hate speech
As much of a fag he is, normies love his take on conservatism
It's really upsetting that people take safe spaces so seriously they're willing to burn a fag alive
When did safe spaces turn into no free speech fascism zones
Pls create a channel for Europe
Quite Recently
the idea of a safe space makes me lol
protect me from all those dangerous, violent ideas
"Safe Spaces" are fascist by inception
being literally raped by ideas
i cant even
anticom needs to be worldwide
But AntiFa won't see that, they believe that they are genuinely fighting fascists
I think some of you have seen the quotes from the AntiFa tranny I was talking to
AntiFa does everything people hate fascism for doing. Everything they do has multiple levels of irony to it.
I think what we also can create a channel for offtop
This channel is offtop
Lol ok
ScYx17 - Today at 1:03 AM
you're white
Rasenemus - Today at 1:06 AM
I'm Biafran, black
Why would you say I'm white?
ScYx17 - Today at 1:07 AM
no ur not
and on top of that
i dont have to be tolerant
towards people
with intolerant views
that's the entire point
Organising is done in region chat
Rasenemus - Today at 1:08 AM
Aren't you being intolerant by being intolerant to things you find intolerant?
ScYx17 - Today at 1:08 AM
no you can't be intolerant of intolerant people
just like u can't assault someone who is already assaulting you
it's defense
killing a nazi is prevention"
Those are the types of people you're dealing with
Mental gymnastics
As fuck