Message from @asparkofpyrokravte
Discord ID: 546162969613041665
It really does seem horrid :<
There's no chance of getting any kind of legal aid? Or can you recover costs from the other side somehow if you can prove your innocence beyond doubt?
The problem is fronting the money to get one . The chances of her paying is low with her sad sorry she present
Yes recovering money is unlikely
This is just speculation but my guess is attorneys do not want to help you
Meaning they don't want you to hire them
Well they want the money of course.
I’d seek out any legal aid opportunities. I know that here in IL, some NPOs will guide you through a certain process without a fee.
They even provide templates.
@GG Allin do you have any experience in getting legal aid in the US? Something that explains more that could help that would be very useful to add to the divorce archive
Or do you feel goodmods support links sufficient
I only know Illinois Legal aid.
I can provide some links.
Good place to start. I can also post some more case-specific templates when needed.
Its in Florida but i will look at the link . Even being in the military i get treated like shit . My next goal is to get a female to call and say the same thing i said and see how far they get.
@ThatsReallyGr8 "On one path, the noncustodial parent is not in compliance with a child support obligation and that noncompliance may lead to incarceration (short-term, primarily in local jails) as a result of either a civil contempt or criminal non-support action taken by the state."
It's really bad. It's like sending people to debtors prison.
That's exactly what it is, because if you're in debt over 5k to child support, you get jailed
Its all 50 states:
18 U.S.C. § 228- Failure to pay legal child support obligations
Section 228 of Title 18, United States Code, makes it illegal for an individual to willfully fail to pay child support in certain circumstances.
For one, an individual is subject to federal prosecution if he or she willfully fails to pay child support that has been ordered by a court for a child who lives in another state, or if the payment is past due for longer than 1 year or exceeds the amount of $5,000. A violation of this law is a criminal misdemeanor, and convicted offender face fines and up to 6 months in prison (See 18 U.S.C. § 228(a)(1)).
federal misdemeanor
The sherrifs office was in my building looking for someone one day
Like 8 dudes at 6am banging on everyone's doors shouting about a warrant and child support
Dude that's fucked up
In some states if you don't pay child support you can get your license revoked
You know... The thing you need to get to work to pay the child support
Yeah it's all so messed up man
Like these people that have to pay fines when they get out of jail and can't so go back to jail and get more fines.
its basically the legal version of male financial slavery
So if they go to jail do they have to pay the child support that was owed. I feel like if you go to jail then you start back at 0 . If you go to jail you can lose your jail. So this going to jail doesnt make sense. There should be a financial hear to see what causing you not to pay
Here's some info on what happens when it comes to paying child support in jail. It doesn't get reduced to zero at all, in fact could accumulate more. This help article is for Massachusetts but I have no reason to suppose it cant be applied to other US states
dude ...thats practically slavery for men
That's like something from Soviat Russia. That law is made specifically to bleed men dry and then distroy them.
Hey guys, I’m at the end of my rope here and don’t know where to start. I am separated from my ex wife and she is not giving me access to my son. I currently live in Florida with my girlfriend and second son. My ex and my first born son live in Ohio. I am a veteran with ptsd waiting for a decision on disability so we live off of my girlfriends income. My budget is very tight and all I want is to see my son and help him grow. I’m fucking lost....
It's gonna be hard to hear but unless you have a court order which already dictates visitation you need to speak to a lawyer to get one ASAP, which is gonna mean spending money
So I’m just fucked until I can afford a lawyer?
You can look into some forms of legal aid, being a disabled vet may give you some advantages there