Message from @Maxthx

Discord ID: 551088683797839895

2019-02-24 23:17:39 UTC  

Fornication with bald eagles.

2019-02-25 00:10:58 UTC  

Sorry I have not been around a lot. I usually work at night and sleep all day.

2019-02-25 00:27:54 UTC  

That's how my sleep schedule usually is too

2019-02-25 00:59:11 UTC  

I've been trying to focus on getting more done on the campaign. I did have a interesting ride the other day that I blogged about. The conversation of circumcision came up and there was a nice debate, but I'm guessing the woman lied and gave me a poor rating still. She didn't like that I said it should not be the parents choice.

2019-02-25 01:00:02 UTC  

She also decided to tell me I was in the minority who were harmed so I dont matter.

2019-02-25 01:10:17 UTC  

:/ everyone is harmed by it, to differing extents yes, but everyone is. Even consenting adults lose sensation which can be considered harm

2019-02-25 01:12:35 UTC  

Still, it's getting the topic out there at least

2019-02-25 01:26:41 UTC  


2019-02-25 01:27:21 UTC  

I have a new fb page, Campain to end child genital mutilation

2019-02-25 01:39:32 UTC  

That's great, I'd follow it if I used facebook

2019-02-25 01:39:57 UTC  

Feel free to link it for any others who might want to though

2019-02-25 03:16:03 UTC  


2019-02-26 16:29:01 UTC  

@Shadowguyver Rating, for what?

2019-02-26 17:15:59 UTC  


2019-02-26 17:55:27 UTC  

You said someone gave you a bad rating

2019-02-26 17:59:02 UTC  

i guess you mean on facebook

2019-03-01 16:23:26 UTC  

reddit /u/BlueOrange22 posted a new link in /r/MensRights
Vanity Fair article complains that saying “men are scum” and “men are trash” is considered hate speech. -

2019-03-01 16:24:10 UTC  

How dare they say men aren't scum, huh?

2019-03-01 17:04:30 UTC  

If you all want a letter writing campaign to have a go at, here's one: reddit /u/Assburgers09 posted a new link in /r/MensRights
A man and his children are being abused by his wife, and the judge says that he should have "manned up". He gets the same amount of jail time as her. -

2019-03-01 17:09:40 UTC  

not sure where else to put this but my friend is telling me that all the theaters in his area are going to be playing nothing but Captain Marvel for a solid week? as in all screens all day all Captain Marvel, for seven days

2019-03-01 17:09:44 UTC  

has anyone heard about this?

2019-03-01 17:10:59 UTC  

Probably better suited for general but *shrug*. I really doubt they are gonna do that tbh unless it's a really small town, they would lose a ton of money

2019-03-01 17:11:20 UTC  

it is not a smalltown

2019-03-01 17:12:20 UTC  

If they wanna not be able to keep the lights on for those screens then that's their personal choice xD

2019-03-01 17:13:18 UTC  
2019-03-01 17:38:18 UTC  

....forced? Seriously? @Abbysol or anyone else been dragged to the mandatory fun centre yet? XD

2019-03-01 17:39:19 UTC  

Yea its not forced... People choose to go to the cinema or not. Still it's pretty wtf if true, but the guy does say it's speculation at the start of the video

2019-03-01 17:39:56 UTC  

I'm worried that both the video maker and my friend are misinterpreting theater listings

2019-03-01 17:40:09 UTC  

that it only shows Captain Marvel because its one week out

2019-03-01 17:40:26 UTC  

if its only 3 days out and it still shows nothing but Captain Marvel I'll believe it

2019-03-01 17:41:34 UTC  

I know with cinemas near me sometimes the listing aren't accurate cause some listings have been updated whereas others havent

2019-03-01 17:41:50 UTC  

yeah, I'm really hoping this is just hysteria

2019-03-01 17:42:14 UTC  

I apologize for adding to it, he misrepresented the authenticity of this before I started looking into it

2019-03-01 17:43:26 UTC  

Probably is tbh

2019-03-01 17:43:37 UTC  

Or trolling to make us seem hysterical

2019-03-01 17:44:18 UTC  

I think we should avoid biting until they actually start dragging people into the Cineplex. XD

2019-03-01 23:40:49 UTC  

Looks like hysteria or trolling to me, I couldn’t imagine something like that happening, my dad wanted to see it because he likes the marvel movies and is completely disconnected from internet culture, I don’t get why this is the new big feminist brainwash xD

2019-03-02 14:06:58 UTC  

@Abbysol So I guess you haven't been dragged the the cinema by the kangaroo secret police yet? XD

2019-03-02 15:55:47 UTC  

I have. It was terrible

2019-03-02 21:51:35 UTC  
