Message from @Maxthx

Discord ID: 550067390730207233

2019-02-26 21:24:42 UTC  

I've complained about it so much to my supervisors but nothing has changed and I'm starting to receive subtle warnings that I should stop complaining or my career might be in danger

2019-02-26 21:24:50 UTC  

its absolutely terrifying

2019-02-26 21:25:14 UTC  

Is that university admissions or employment discrimination? Those are two very different beasts

2019-02-26 21:25:41 UTC  

university admissions is what I'm arguing is nonserious

2019-02-26 21:25:47 UTC  

I have no idea, I don't handle job placement

2019-02-26 21:25:54 UTC  

the hospital management does

2019-02-26 21:26:16 UTC  

from what I can tell its gender discrimination though

2019-02-26 21:27:00 UTC  

its pandemic throughout the STEM community

2019-02-26 21:27:14 UTC  

Yeah, when they did gender blind hiring for government jobs in Australia they found they hired more men. Then they stopped doing that because it didn't have the result they wanted (sexist bastards)

2019-02-26 21:27:18 UTC  

And yeah

2019-02-26 21:27:27 UTC  

I used to work in computer science

2019-02-26 21:28:06 UTC  

It's pretty accepted that, in part due to government pressure to have women in the company, women are just going to be hired a lot more than men

2019-02-26 21:28:19 UTC  

But that doesn't really cause anyone danger, just a little bit of grief

2019-02-26 21:28:44 UTC  

And even then, most places do actually make sure that the girl can code

2019-02-26 21:29:06 UTC  

so far, after assuming my position, I have received 8 new Lab Assistants to fill my department

2019-02-26 21:29:10 UTC  

7 have been female

2019-02-26 21:29:22 UTC  

and 3 have quit when they decided the work was too hard

2019-02-26 21:30:06 UTC  

I'm actually running short one position right now because I want to finish training what I've got and hopefully get a fully functional lab running before I have to tran yet another applicant

2019-02-26 21:30:38 UTC  

Oh, then you actually don't know whether the problem is that the people from the hiring pool are just largely female and the problem is on that end, or whether the company is doing bullshit

2019-02-26 21:30:51 UTC  

I don't

2019-02-26 21:31:25 UTC  

2 of those 7 have actually be qualified for the position, as in they don't require a buttload of basic lab training

2019-02-26 21:31:29 UTC  

including the one male

2019-02-26 21:32:46 UTC  

One possibility there, though I'm not sure how likely this is, is that it is the hiring pool and that is due to the gender self-sorting of university students amoung the disciplines. Women who do go into stem are weighted towards bio/chem.

2019-02-26 21:33:10 UTC  

but 7/8 seems more than that would skew it

2019-02-26 21:33:50 UTC  

Like, reasonably for bio students only, but not chem

2019-02-26 21:34:28 UTC  

this is purely personal speculation on my part, but I think that the lab technician career path is falling very badly out of favor

2019-02-26 21:34:48 UTC  

its an extremely vital job, that all hospitals needs, but its not 'cool'

2019-02-26 21:35:04 UTC  

so its possible they are abandoning ship when they see the reality of the career

2019-02-26 21:35:31 UTC  

Hrm. Does it pay well, should I have trained towards lab tech instead of compsci?

2019-02-26 21:36:12 UTC  

in my particular location it pays better than any job that doesn't require a full medical degree (doctors/surgeons)

2019-02-26 21:36:38 UTC  

just above x-ray techs and anesthesiaologists

2019-02-26 21:36:59 UTC  

but it still requires you to go through the gauntlet that is pre-med and then a bit further?

2019-02-26 21:37:18 UTC  

well yeah

2019-02-26 21:37:34 UTC  

you can't work in a hospital if you haven't had at least 4 years in college in your field

2019-02-26 21:38:49 UTC  

Tbh, that shit is rough. I'm not surprised those willing to go through it want to go all the way to doctor/anesthesiaologist

2019-02-26 21:39:00 UTC  

Either that or dental hygenist

2019-02-26 21:39:20 UTC  

I love my job, I don't have to deal with a single patient ever

2019-02-26 21:39:23 UTC  

its heavenly

2019-02-26 21:39:35 UTC  

Hahaha, yeah. That makes a lot of sense

2019-02-26 21:39:51 UTC  

"give me your blood. Blood doesn't talk"

2019-02-26 21:40:37 UTC  

Or I should say, "his blood", because otherwise that would imply dealing directly with idiots