Message from @Indigo

Discord ID: 528669429131640832

2018-12-29 19:58:27 UTC  

To base society on the value of sex and who gets more is kind of skewed...I don't think I can follow with that as the basis of how we govern and tax and punish

2018-12-29 19:59:18 UTC  

Society evolved through sexual selection

2018-12-29 19:59:41 UTC  

Sex is the most important driver of behavior

2018-12-29 20:01:21 UTC  

It's not just sex women decide. You only have to look at what gains traction, what thinga society does for women in application of law, where research is aimed, pension age, how each sex is judged and why, and you can see that society is completely geared on making life easier for women.

2018-12-29 20:03:24 UTC  

Toxic masculinity as you and PM describe may exist, but it strips masculinity of any good qualities, and I disagree that many feminists today recognise that definition when speaking of men

2018-12-29 20:03:47 UTC  

Right. Foreign policy dictates a lot of our own privacy laws stateside because we need a reasonable basis for how we are protected from each other before we can dictate how we are protected abroad

2018-12-29 20:05:25 UTC  

If sex is the driver, than woman gaining suffrage and political position and business/landownership in the last few decades means we are the weaker gender and losing, as opposed to us all becoming better as a whole, and them simply closing the gap

2018-12-29 20:07:27 UTC  

It's the cause of the incel phenomenon

2018-12-29 20:09:39 UTC  

The lower strata of men are losing

2018-12-29 20:11:32 UTC  

I must add that technology and social media has made more information available - including the spread of the "plight" of incel-dom. It may have always been there, but we may just not have know. Also, with a more populous world, the numbers may be more, but the percentages must have waxed and waned over time.

2018-12-29 20:14:34 UTC  

Women generally don't marry down. It's statistically proven. Lot of highly educated women are complaining that they can't find a partner equal or more qualified than her. There are a lot of articles on it.

2018-12-29 20:15:49 UTC  

The narrowing of the selection pool

2018-12-29 20:17:17 UTC  

Ok, let's take that for granted for this discussion.

2018-12-29 20:18:02 UTC  

How does that impact the law concerning violence and other forms of abuse?

2018-12-29 20:18:39 UTC  

It doesn't

2018-12-29 20:19:03 UTC  

You bought this discussion onto it

2018-12-29 20:19:48 UTC  

toxic femininity/masculinity was where I came in

2018-12-29 20:20:38 UTC  

I mean where you said.

If sex is the driver, the women gaining suffrage....

2018-12-29 20:22:28 UTC  

I'm saying, in your view, that women are overtaking men in terms of rights and power - so if it's due to sexuality, that they must be the stronger gender

2018-12-29 20:23:11 UTC  

I think both men and women are climbing in power, and in doing so, women are closer to men now than ever, but that it's not a game of pie

2018-12-29 20:23:34 UTC  

I value individuality

2018-12-29 20:24:19 UTC  

I believe personal choices can vary and hence the obsession with 50:50 is idiotic

2018-12-29 20:24:59 UTC  

Interesting. I respect that view

2018-12-29 20:25:12 UTC  

Mine differs, but I respect yours

2018-12-29 20:25:26 UTC  

i dont like feminists set to define what "toxic masculinity" is and isnt, and how to address it. its not about them or for them

2018-12-29 20:27:53 UTC  

Why believe every job must be made ideally 50:50

2018-12-29 20:37:35 UTC  

While I'm open to the idea of "best candidate" - and there are women who can work cars and fish and even lift, so I wouldn't want to exclude them - the reality is that statistics will favor one side over the other. Maybe in a century, if we all don't destroy ourselves/the planet, we'll all evolve into a unisex being, but for now, we are witnessing a social revolution

2018-12-29 20:44:07 UTC  

i think SJWism might prove to be more of passing fad than people think. but at the same time, it could be the beginning of a nazi like movement

2018-12-29 20:46:47 UTC  

There are women who can work cars and lift things but are those number of women anywhere near the number of men who could do that?

That's why there will never be 50:50

2018-12-29 20:55:51 UTC  

Even in seemingly equal things like chess, the champions are overwhelmingly male. @Dan da Dad

2018-12-29 20:58:48 UTC  

We don't know exactly why

2018-12-29 21:56:46 UTC  

It might come down to that "women interested in people, men are interested in mechanical things" dynamic that gets talked about a lot. It's one of those 'pros and cons of each gender' dealies, I think.

2018-12-29 22:16:43 UTC  

Feminists don't want to equalize gender gap in psychology, where it is 80% women

2018-12-30 08:54:50 UTC  

I should think they probably don't.

2018-12-30 14:30:37 UTC  

reddit /u/perplexedm posted a new link in /r/MensRights
India : Mumbai ‘Stalker’ Whose Penis Was Chopped Off by Harassed Woman Dies -

2018-12-30 14:31:31 UTC  

That's horrific. I wonder if any feminists laughed this time....

2018-12-30 14:55:10 UTC  

If the view was any indication, I'd say its pretty likely

2018-12-30 15:30:16 UTC  

Makes me cringe every time. especailly when the men do it

2018-12-30 15:30:34 UTC  

You know they brought Bobbit on a talk show and had a giggle with her about it?

2018-12-30 15:30:45 UTC  

And there was a painting of her as an angel?