Message from @Koba
Discord ID: 293550118437650442
You would hurt them.
No. You don't know what I've been through.
Mostly I just ignore them and look displeased at their presence.
Hahaha, an unstolen bike is a trophy in RaHoWa lol
Yes, exactly.
But inside I'm like... Napalm and shieet like my grandpa
Oh, Of Course. But you wouldn't give libs Reasons.
That is what makes us better, self restraint.
idk man
@Hewstone This is a safe space, you can get your "YaYa's out".
I just fucking hate seeing my city overrun by non white scum
and all the white people around me who are my age are just fucking degenerates
theyre just willling ignorant and they act like they fucking love it
but theyd be so much better off just having a stable life and having actual views that are their own
Cities are pure poz
Damn, John Rivello legal defense fund is almost up to 10 grand
Good shit
Having dissadent thoughts and letting other people know are no the way to having a stable life.
I guess my point is
they all run around acting like theyre achieving greatness or self apotheosis through bullshit like thottery and s ubstance abuse
but they clearly dont like it because all of their problems in life stem from that
and they complain constantly about all of their issues but are completely unwilling to change at all
and seek out a true path to fulfill their own goals
You can't change everyone, just work on one at a time.
That's why they need a paternal state authority to tell them that's not okay.
Well, will they rebel?
No they're sheep
Is the state saying no, enough?
It's more than saying, let's put it that way. It also involves the education system, so we can indoctrinate the youth.