Message from @goodmod

Discord ID: 515717306865680395

2018-11-24 02:00:49 UTC  

No, we can't see that, try again

2018-11-24 02:00:57 UTC  


2018-11-24 02:00:58 UTC  


2018-11-24 02:01:48 UTC  

Sorry @BadPharaoh, you appear to be disconnected from the web

2018-11-24 02:01:48 UTC  

try turning it off and on again

2018-11-24 02:20:36 UTC  

2018-11-24 02:27:16 UTC  

2018-11-24 02:28:41 UTC  


2018-11-24 02:29:10 UTC  

Still not working. Let's not take goodmod.

2018-11-24 02:31:29 UTC  

well shit then

2018-11-24 02:31:48 UTC  

Mods swearing... Tsk tsk

2018-11-24 02:32:14 UTC  


2018-11-24 02:32:49 UTC  

You can't see me!

2018-11-24 02:33:52 UTC  

how about now?

2018-11-24 02:35:12 UTC  

try again

2018-11-24 02:35:23 UTC  

Yo guys

2018-11-24 02:35:31 UTC  


2018-11-24 02:35:39 UTC  

What do you think about the slutwalk 2018?

2018-11-24 02:35:44 UTC  

It happened near me.

2018-11-24 02:36:09 UTC  

let 'em walk

2018-11-24 02:36:27 UTC  

it's healthy exercise

2018-11-24 02:36:29 UTC

2018-11-24 02:36:36 UTC  


2018-11-24 02:36:57 UTC  

I wanted to find the pic from civ multiplayer with the AI with that text... Couldn't find it. Oh well.

2018-11-24 02:37:55 UTC  

Does anyone here have a copy of The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell? I'm looking for some information on the issues he identifies for Education.

2018-11-24 02:38:59 UTC  

I have the myth of male power of you ever want a reference from that... But not that one

2018-11-24 04:12:48 UTC  

I have been wanting to get some of his books for a while.

2018-11-24 04:57:56 UTC  

I have read all but Why Men Make More and The Liberated Man

2018-11-24 04:58:03 UTC  

some really good books there

2018-11-24 05:13:13 UTC  

Do they have audiobook versions? I think my dad would like them but he is dyslexic

2018-11-24 05:13:35 UTC  

my library has a checked out audio version I think

2018-11-24 05:16:53 UTC  

Awesome, might be nice to listen to it with him on his next chemo and piss off all the feminist nurses, lol

2018-11-24 05:25:37 UTC  

Sup guys

2018-11-24 05:25:54 UTC  

What's the discussion about ?

2018-11-24 05:31:59 UTC  

In the last bit, Allison Saunders and Warren Farrell books

2018-11-24 05:32:20 UTC  

I'm looking for some stuff from The Boy Crisis

2018-11-24 06:05:58 UTC  

2018-11-24 06:42:36 UTC  

2018-11-24 07:11:14 UTC  

2018-11-24 08:40:10 UTC  

Hey @everyone do you guys want me to disable the reddit feeds in the <#515481742052818945> channel? I realise the beeping could be annoying.

2018-11-24 08:40:22 UTC  

It’s fine