Message from @Men Are Human
Discord ID: 522876603177369603
Did you see the sesame Street meme someone jsut posted?
Briefly, it would be better as an article and not a meme. I'm falling asleep rn
I like sleeping. It is nice.
@Abbysol I think the reason is they see you as a traitor, and internalized mahogany is their patch to cover the fact you are putting the lie to what they say.
@InsaneCaterpilla Yeah, I've noticed that for years. It's worse though. Keep track of every charity leaflet you get and look at the pictures in them. Literally 90% women and the women always get featured most prominently
I wish I could scan some to make a compilation but they tend to be all odd shapes.
I've got one from Sightsavers on my desk about the trachoma infection.
People are pulling out their eyelashes with twesers because the infection makes them grow inward.
Judging by this leaflet, this is one sexist infection - it only affects girls. They literally have a pair of tweezers on a necklace and it says "It's what all the girls are wearing these days"
Man that sucks
I wonder why it would prefer girls
It doesn't, that's the thing
Correction - it is said to affect women more, due to increased contact with children.
Ah ok
However, that's adult women
The leaflet focuses on young girls - and there is no difference at that age.
So it's still neglecting boys. 😛
Apparently adult women are affected four times as much as men - however, that doesn't tell us if there are more women than men.
I don't understand all of that believe women stuff
It's kind of an emotional apeal
We have an instinct to protect women, and that sidelines men.
But sometimes they make up fakse accusations
They do. It's another kind of emotional appeal
Shouldn't we side with caution and believe the accused until they are proven guilty?
We need total fairness in courts.
But we don't seem to get that
Correction: I misread you
We need to side with neither
But even outside of court we shouldn't just believe that accuser
Not the accuser or the accused
It needs to be a case of not believing or disbeliving
You stay impartial, in other words
You can stay impartial but I tend to believe the accused until proven otherwise
Because the damage down by not believing them is so horrible
Innocent until proven guilty
Yes, absolutely, innocent until proven guilty is important - but it needs to apply both ways.
We don't automatically take either side because either side could be wrong - or lying