Message from @Abbysol

Discord ID: 526188948440219668

2018-12-22 22:40:10 UTC  

my guess is "troll" although i think of trolling as something done for ones own amusement; in his case it was o discredit the group

2018-12-22 22:40:52 UTC  

thats a possibility, since a link to this disc has been apparently shared around a bunch of anti-mrm sites, so he could have been fishing.

2018-12-22 22:42:32 UTC  

hadnt heard that, about it being shared...any idea where?

2018-12-22 22:42:52 UTC  

and wow, thats actually what they think will work?

2018-12-22 22:44:49 UTC  

yeah, some random showed up and left just to give us a heads up, and right before another guy had showed up and dropped a troll comment

2018-12-22 22:46:04 UTC  

its to be expected. any dedicated anti MRM is someone who is past the point of good faith and knows they cant win a fair debate; deceptive and dirty tactics are all they have

2018-12-22 22:46:18 UTC  

the subs been dealing with it for years, and we've only grown bigger and better

2018-12-22 22:46:50 UTC  

makes it easy to separate them out, because they are so ridiculous

2018-12-22 22:48:01 UTC  

maybe one will learn to mimic us to infiltrate and realize what what they're saying makes sense and changes their mind :p

2018-12-22 22:48:39 UTC  

otherwise, its interesting for them to say what they "think" we'd agree with. once they can actually do it, they'd just be making sense

2018-12-22 22:51:52 UTC  

if the guy last night was any indication, no wonder people are anti-MRA. it doesnt matter what we really believe if they have a distorted image

2018-12-22 23:00:06 UTC  

I think it's a matter of projection, they see the kinds of things we advocate for (fixing child support, child mutilation, falling behind in education, etc) and then because we are the bad guys they jump to the assumption that we want these things because we either hate women or are blaming all women for these things.

2018-12-22 23:14:04 UTC  

we need to remain vigilant now more than ever

2018-12-22 23:21:05 UTC  

I dont blame women for the inequality i blame the feminists

2018-12-22 23:21:23 UTC  

the ones who heralded themselves as paladins of equality

2018-12-22 23:23:17 UTC  

well I think it is more societal then just the feminists, but they do need to get a little bit more perspective, because they are defiantly at fault for some specific things, like the 2006 child support reform that only lasted 6 years before it got completely killed.

2018-12-22 23:24:12 UTC  

and even then it was hardly 6 years because it was getting chipped away at so badly that it was really dead well before it was officially killed.

2018-12-23 00:02:04 UTC  

What was it trying to reform?

2018-12-23 00:03:59 UTC  

removing gendered language and making it so that child support was based on the income of both the person paying and the person receiving, so it was very noticeable to my dad when that later was taken out and the already high amount he was paying jumped up even higher (my mum was in a very high paying job)

2018-12-23 00:05:17 UTC  

so it would have benifited the person who made less and took better care of the kids rather than just the mom by default

2018-12-23 00:07:01 UTC  

yeah, but the reason it was killed mainly was because recipients where getting less support that they had become used to, also there was this hilarious moment where a large enough group of mothers had to do backpay to the fathers that where the primary caregivers that people decided "it was a problem"

2018-12-23 00:07:44 UTC  

so they killed it because cunt mums had to pay fathers?

2018-12-23 00:07:44 UTC  

even though the reform made it more equal, it was decided that it was anti-women

2018-12-23 00:07:54 UTC  

yeah, pretty much

2018-12-23 00:08:58 UTC  

because the reforms did a thing where it also made it really difficult to get out of child support, it was a bit of a problem with men too because a bunch of men who had agreements in place already had child support come after them .

2018-12-23 00:09:09 UTC  

so why should we have any hope that anything benifiting men wont just be shot down by the outrage mobs and wimpy politicians that bend to them

2018-12-23 00:10:18 UTC  

well it wasn't perfect and it needed amendments, however it was in the right direction and didn't deserve to me murdered the way it did, and for the reasons that where used.

2018-12-23 00:11:48 UTC  

im just afraid feminists will get a forced male castration bill passed in the future

2018-12-23 00:12:22 UTC  

I highly doubt they would but I can understand the fear, given how much they love to talk about it

2018-12-23 00:13:27 UTC  

I think the vast majority of men and women dont get involved in a lot of this kind of stuff, so a bill like that would force a lot of men and women to actually stand up and defend human rights in this case

2018-12-23 00:14:35 UTC  

Im just worried about it actually happening if we begin to lean towards a matriarchy based goverment

2018-12-23 00:15:05 UTC  

mabey not in 5 or 10 or 15 years but when im 60 or something

2018-12-23 00:15:11 UTC  

again, I doubt it but I can understand where that fear is coming from.

2018-12-23 00:16:37 UTC  

there is already a over abundance of sperm so they would only need to keep a select few of 'breeders'

2018-12-23 00:16:38 UTC  

it also draws way to many parallels to the old chemical castration that they used to force on gay men, and pretty much no one thinks that it was a humane punishment for the way someone was born.

2018-12-23 00:16:58 UTC  

its like some sort of dystopian horror movie

2018-12-23 00:17:47 UTC  

spermbanks and artificial insemination are two of the reasons they could get away with that shit and still keep human populations up

2018-12-23 00:17:48 UTC  

yeah, and again, I think they vast majority of the population that dont really get involved or put in their opinions would defiantly not stand for that kind of thing

2018-12-23 00:18:02 UTC  

I fucking hope so

2018-12-23 00:20:28 UTC  

it's a minority of people who identify as feminists and an even smaller minority that are they psycho "kill all men" kind, it just doesn't feel like that sometimes because they are so loud and obnoxious and people don't really publicly shame them as much as they should so it looks like they get away with it or most people just dismiss it as a bad joke.

2018-12-23 00:23:37 UTC  

yeah i guess your right...but you know if something like that happened it would be the final nails in the coffin of feminism and would spark a egalitarian revolution