Message from @Timur

Discord ID: 486968460086083584

2018-09-04 06:29:10 UTC  


2018-09-04 06:29:25 UTC  

but seriously he shouldnt have done that maybe they could have changed their minds later in their lives now they are gonna hate islam even more

2018-09-04 06:33:01 UTC  

I don't know what they said though. God guides who he wants, just because they are ignorant it is not a blank cheque to say anything they want. The brother will be judged according to his intentions on judgement day, but violence does make it less likely that kuffar talks shit. Look at how the Muhammad caricature competition was cancelled. Would not be done without it.

2018-09-04 06:34:56 UTC  

The brother sacrificed himself so that the rest of us will be less likely to deal with this. If this always happened then none of the kuffar would dare. They are not muslims, they are afraid of death.

2018-09-04 06:35:32 UTC  

True you are right there should be respect the muslim should be proud in front of the kuffar and softwith other believers

2018-09-04 06:46:57 UTC  

And even if a Muslim makes a mistake we ought to assume it was meant in the best way possible. May Allah bless him and make things easy for him and grant him access to Jannah Al Firdaws. Ameen.

2018-09-04 06:47:19 UTC  


2018-09-04 08:24:23 UTC  

Israel made ISIS to make the non muslims hate us, think we're all terrorists, think we hate non muslims, think we hate gays, think we oppress women etc when this is not true. I'm a Muslim and proud American and Islam is a religion of peace, Isis don't represent me. All my best friends are non Muslims, Isis are just extremists who misunderstand the religion, unlike me, I never pray or fast or anything but I understand the true Islam. It makes me cry when non Muslims think I'm a terrorist. I wish non Muslims would like me so much, please like me white people please

2018-09-04 08:25:51 UTC  

hah LGBT secular "please accept me" "muslims"

2018-09-04 12:43:47 UTC  

@Jacob 🕋 did you ever make some sort of verification before we get another kaffir with blasphemous name here?

2018-09-04 18:47:15 UTC  

Well ISIS is obviously some mossad front for whatever ZOG plans they have. But sodomy is a sin, and removal of thottery and adultery should not be confused with "oppressing women" after all, are THOTs even woman considering their behavior?

2018-09-04 18:47:50 UTC  

A woman is a good wife and mother, she is not oppressed she is the center of the household. The THOT is a plague upon society that destroys it. To oppress the THOT is to oppress that which harms life itself.

2018-09-04 19:05:16 UTC  

Everything is ISIS to the LGBT crowd though.

2018-09-04 19:26:28 UTC  

I've got some verification and deleted all of the invites except for mine and Timur's but if it happens again I'll create a vetting channel and probably recruit a few mods

2018-09-05 10:03:26 UTC  

>Well ISIS is obviously some mossad front for whatever ZOG plans they have

2018-09-05 10:03:57 UTC  

why are Al-Qaeda, ISIS and other Sunni terrorist organizations, and even basically every Sunni organization in the world who does not agree with the Shiite ideology and religion are framed as 'Zionist products', while brutal and inhuman terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, who are massacring and raping thousands of Syrians, and other Shiite terrorist factions who are raping and murdering the Sunnis in Iraq to be 'glorious freedom fighters' ?
Hezbollah never fought America directly, ISIS, Al-Qaeda have been fighting America for nearly 30 years and are still doing so, but miraculously Hezbollah is not considered to be 'American Agents' but ISIS and Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organizations who have killed tens of thousands of American soldiers are labelled as 'American Agents'. Isn't that fishy ?

2018-09-05 17:43:58 UTC  

It's part of Iran's propaganda of being the axis of resistance, so since Iran is always anti-USA and Israel (which I agree Iran is actually anti-Israel), that somehow makes anyone they fight on the same side of Zionism

2018-09-05 17:58:51 UTC I really hate that Saudi Arabia is so pro-Israel and America. They are supposed to represent Muslims, being the protectors of the kaaba. It is a big moral victory for Iran. Israel should not be there.

2018-09-05 18:38:04 UTC  

Both are degenerate deviants. Hezbollah is just funded by Iran and not the CIA

2018-09-05 18:38:48 UTC  

however many Syrian rebel groups are legitimate freedom fighters and reject kufr ideologies from America

2018-09-05 18:59:19 UTC  

@Timur True, may Allah bless them all and forgive them all sins so that they turn up on judgement day without sin. Ameen

2018-09-05 19:01:43 UTC  

No matter what, the people of haqq are victorious. They either get to die as Shaheed or the kuffar dies. They will never experience a real loss, but we might lose those wonderful people.

2018-09-07 18:30:22 UTC  
2018-09-07 21:35:50 UTC  

2018-09-07 22:50:25 UTC  


2018-09-08 02:43:10 UTC  


2018-09-08 03:14:08 UTC  


2018-09-09 14:58:47 UTC  


2018-09-11 17:13:00 UTC  


2018-09-11 17:13:22 UTC

2018-09-11 17:13:25 UTC  

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2018-09-11 20:08:19 UTC  

2018-09-11 20:49:50 UTC  


2018-09-12 02:13:27 UTC  

2018-09-12 02:15:32 UTC  

oy vey

2018-09-13 17:52:12 UTC  


2018-09-13 23:35:25 UTC