Message from @CronoSaturn

Discord ID: 547144161065828393

2019-02-16 09:41:06 UTC  

And we are not talking elites here, we are talking about society as a whole

2019-02-16 11:05:18 UTC  

a more profound syntax and language constructs. I'm not talking about ur vocal cords here. Or we would all be mumbiling and growling just like all dogs bark.
What I'm giving you is a better reason, where a man tosses his self-reliance in the search of comfort and he can find that in both technology and humans.

2019-02-16 13:47:26 UTC  

You are giving me shitty one-liners that are made to support your views and have zero explanatory value

2019-02-16 14:16:27 UTC  

You managing to drag on the silly point of "Language was not invented or developed" for 20 paragraphs does not make it any less silly.

2019-02-16 14:27:51 UTC  

Empirical proofs are not silly. Our genitic predisposition towards language abilities are more than us having vocal chords

2019-02-16 14:29:23 UTC  

It is not my fault that you lack what only can be described as pop-scientific- tier knowledge in the fields of linguistics

2019-02-16 14:56:54 UTC  

Just because humans are genetically predisposed to "language" doesn't negate the myriad of **inventions** and **discoveries** in this field, you silly goose.
It seems you are just a bit confused about the meaning of these two words in bold. Guess you are a genetic anomaly when it comes to learning language.

2019-02-16 15:13:38 UTC  

this is classical anprim rethoric, muh technology.
>You didn't provide concrete examples
neither have u

2019-02-16 15:21:30 UTC  

also I have already explained my self in the post before that one. cba to do it numerous times just for you to understand what I'm saying

2019-02-16 15:24:03 UTC  

Don't blame the tools, blame the tool-maker.

2019-02-16 15:28:39 UTC  

or rather the tool wielder

2019-02-18 12:10:00 UTC  

The only time international intervention is justified is when one nation is doing something that has a legitimate chance to threaten other nations or the entire world, e.g. irresponsible nuclear development. Other than that intervention has no reasonable justifications.

2019-02-18 19:07:20 UTC  

How do you define intervention, what’s a legitimate threat?

2019-02-18 19:20:09 UTC  

If a nation’s populace invests significant amounts of money in another nation only to nationalise that investment, is that not threatening the other nations well being?

2019-02-18 19:23:06 UTC  

What about persecution of your citizens abroad? Does that change if it’s only their families?

2019-02-18 19:27:00 UTC  

If the countries regime is so unstable that it causes a spike in terrorism and a refugee crisis?

2019-02-18 19:37:44 UTC  

Surprisingly enough, America has all that except the refugee crisis. Why is there no military intervention in America?

2019-02-18 19:42:04 UTC  

Fail to see where America has nationalised foreign investment to any real degree or is persecuting foreign citizens wrongly but I’ll bite. Who do you think is going to attempt a military intervention on america, a country who’s military expenditure is greater then the next 7 highest countries combined?

2019-02-18 19:44:11 UTC  

You just explained what is wrong with your thinking. Nobody will stop America from doing unlawful trash at the moment, neither will America target anything beyond oil-filled 4th world countries.

2019-02-18 19:45:20 UTC  

It is "might is right" principle, with no humanitarian or democratic principles attached. And I fail to see why anyone but neolibs should support this.

2019-02-18 19:55:33 UTC  

America has in the past, what makes you think it wouldn’t do so again? Was Kosovo an oil filled country? North Korea? Cuba?

The reality is that the worldstage has little methods of enforcement beyond might is right, however as America has set itself up to benefit most strongly from a rules based order in which human dignity and democracy is respected and has demonstrated its commitment to upholding that order it seems invalid in this context to say there is no humanitarian or democratic principles attached.

This is also by no means a core, or even orthodox neoliberal position.

2019-02-18 19:57:53 UTC  

I think kazimir was implying modern America and not cold war America in terms of intervention

2019-02-18 20:04:52 UTC  

I see very little difference in “modern” America and “Cold War” America, they are in fact, the same country. That oil money has fuelled radicalism and deplorable regimes creating a greater need to act in the Middle East region then anywhere else in recent times has attracted many non-western nation’s to pivot their ability to act in that region, including China and Russia to varying extents. Clearly then there is an agreement that major powers have implicitly that *some* action must be achieved in the Middle East, but only differ in what form that should take

2019-02-18 20:05:21 UTC  

the only difference I see is that cold war America i cant see any "real" motives

2019-02-18 20:05:41 UTC  

meanwhile modern America claims to be protecting people from dictators and terror groups

2019-02-18 20:05:54 UTC  

when in reality they just want oil and israeli good boy points

2019-02-18 20:18:46 UTC  

Rules based order and Bretton woods takes you 90% there, however your right in saying that a cohesive American grand strategy isn’t really there. One difference with the Cold War is there is no longer another superpower contesting its interests and the domestic politic are more uncertain of the mandate they want their leadership to fulfil. Everyone, including China and Russia are concerned with oil security in the region and in fact in terms of oil and self interest this is not a persuasive argument to analyse us interests with. The us is on the cusp of being a net fuel exporter thanks to fracking but will be unable to export significant quantities beyond canada or Mexico. Oil in and of itself is not really part of the American agenda then right now

2019-02-18 20:21:29 UTC  

Also suez kinda discredits the Israeli good boy points

2019-02-18 20:24:07 UTC  

suez when nasser ruled?

2019-02-18 20:38:20 UTC  

Ye, but there are many occasions where America has clipped the wings of Israel to court other nations. In general that could be a criticism levied at the US, that it’s more willing to consider the interests of potential allies rather than established ones

2019-02-18 21:01:53 UTC  

"Old" America was just attacking the geopolitical boundaries of USSR, proxy wars. There was a reason and it was still not "democratic" or "humanitarian".

2019-02-19 01:28:03 UTC  

The two are hardly mutually exclusive, especially given the Soviet Union saw little need to act in a manner that could be described as humane or democratic. What should be criticised however is the naïveté which has followed american interventions, expecting that states in the wake of such actions will require no reconstruction effort and expecting that in the power vacuum created when troops are no longer deployed to the region that democracy will magically assert itself bereft of any supporting structure or institutions. Or even, as in the forays into Mexico and South America time and time again, recognising the incapacity but eschewing providing any form of civil support, instead simply preparing for repeat engagements to avoid being labelled as imperialistic

2019-02-19 01:29:33 UTC  

I would attribute that which you rightfully noticed, not to "naivete", but to the fact that they didn't care.

2019-02-19 05:57:13 UTC  

Controversial question: How many fighting age males, Jewish or otherwise, did the Holocaust take from the war effort? [this includes the guards and those who ran the "facilities"]. In short, how much did the Holocaust cost the German economy?

2019-02-19 10:27:31 UTC  

I don’t know how many men who worked there, but I have heard that the nazis used between 25 and 30 billion dollars. I don’t know if this is true, but that is what I’ve heard.

2019-02-20 04:13:53 UTC  


2019-02-20 05:11:43 UTC  

Bro what the fuck this is like some Green Party progressive shit

2019-02-20 05:12:17 UTC  

Donald trump the bastion of everything gay and trans

2019-02-20 05:52:51 UTC  

@im in the middle of nowhere bruh nah, hes just a 90's democrat

2019-02-20 05:53:37 UTC  


2019-02-20 05:53:50 UTC  

He wants to make America great again