Message from @Bearer Of The Curse
Discord ID: 521516202355458049
The Government is the head of state it should be used in times of peace to govern a nation in war times the military should take over stepping down after conflict has been resolved. Democracies are weak governments rifed with corruption and should be placed with Nationalists (Movements such as Yellow Vests) The Government supplies food, money, power, water, shelter and supplies the nation without a strong Government the nation would most likely collapse under military dictatorships
We had a big debate earlier over this, too bad you missed it
For the most part I agree
but I dont know if the military should always be in control during war times
A strong state is necessary, however
Ok guys so tomorrow at school the democrat club meets and my friends and I are gonna roast em Ben Shapiro style
Communist Taunts
Get anything related to communism
What do you mean when you say the military should be in control during war times?
Ok so lets say Ukraine is in war with Belarus
The Ukranians are winning on all fronts due to incumbent leadership
the Military replaces the government with a 4 star general to focus everything on the war
Kinda like what the romans did
Ah, but who determines when the general takes over and how?
Seems like a pretty big deal, so there should be a formal process
Why isn't the general the government?
Cum for me
I just want Ben Shapiro to cum
No man, you're not a human. Also he's Shen Bapiro
Ben Shapiro
owns slaves.
Ben Shapiro
Can we ban @7640
why the fuck would you ban me
you piece of shit.
It’s just a meme
I want to die.
Your dad lesbian
Your mommy lgbt
Nay thee