Message from @Space Bird
Discord ID: 522279149876805633
i created greater serbia
you didn't make neo roman empire?
and brought back byzantium
your benito!
byzantium is the roman empire
@Scipio Americanus I am still deciding what to give italy
@Deleted User it was a joke, you need to fix Syria if this is for reals
i may just merge syria and iraq
make a kurdistan
do it
*says the American*
im already taking the turkish parts
i could actually go on for hours about what needs to change on the map
lul, i just saw Mexico's border
i made some adjustments
*removes borders*
i balkanized somallia
*enter universal or globalist meme*
*everyone dies in the largest civil war known to man*
you mean you described its current state?
i made it official
i am literally the only person who does not like global islamic communism , everyone else loves it tyt proves this
also look at azerbaijan
and russia
@Space Bird people .... liking Islam.... on this Discord.... what are you smoking?
@Deleted User Who owns Sakhalin island? (just north of Japanish, well technically 1/3 of the island is japan- fuck it, who cares you fixed it)
@Space Bird TYT is aids
also someone ask cenk about Armenia please
im gonna look for another map idea
@Scipio Americanus white peole do not exist, so you cant genocide them, have you not listened to sargon?
jokes aside, you cant dislike the vid because it is part of the establishment trying to convert the movement to globalist means
Hello Big Barry
hello mein kameraden