Message from @Khat Emperor
Discord ID: 522344107612307457
It is a physical act
Is punching someone a spook?
*It's a fallacy then
No it is not.
That's human animalistic instinct masquerading as intellect lmao @Deleted User
Aka a spooooook
Yes, punching nazis is a spook because Nazism is a spook @Deleted User
An egoist recognizes that humans are driven by self-interest, and makes the extra step in realizing that most motivations and restrictions on his will are artificial (spooks).
But you are trying to make the barbarity of an animal a human ideology
Which is fucking hilarious
You might as well just renounce humanity as a spook
Self-interest is what serves your ego, and that the ego is the most important thing to the individual.
Humans are not a hive mind.
Yes they are
That's called sociability
A quality of being social
They did experiments on human hive mind behaviour
>Daddy deleon
>calls himself a stirnerite
I do what is in my own self interests and believe in what is in my own self interests
Not ebin
Well that's all well and good but to try and elevate that to an intellectual stage is plain retarded
In your conception I guess it is.
"Starving to death is in my self-interest spooks btfo"
>starving to death is in my self interest
It isn't
If you want to die it is
but if u don't live by ur ego then u deserve to die
I never implied that
Nor did Stirner imply that in his book.
@Leaf Supremacist look at those ancap sharks, they will get something with their blessed gold skin
if u can't end ur life as you please u might as well die
might as well does not imply deserve.
oh you're arguing semantics