Message from @Bird Wizard
Discord ID: 522344859160543233
Self-interest is what serves your ego, and that the ego is the most important thing to the individual.
Humans are not a hive mind.
Yes they are
That's called sociability
A quality of being social
They did experiments on human hive mind behaviour
Sources are spooks @Deleted User
>Daddy deleon
>calls himself a stirnerite
I do what is in my own self interests and believe in what is in my own self interests
Not ebin
Well that's all well and good but to try and elevate that to an intellectual stage is plain retarded
In your conception I guess it is.
"Starving to death is in my self-interest spooks btfo"
>starving to death is in my self interest
It isn't
If you want to die it is
I never implied that
Nor did Stirner imply that in his book.
@Leaf Supremacist look at those ancap sharks, they will get something with their blessed gold skin
if u can't end ur life as you please u might as well die
might as well does not imply deserve.
oh you're arguing semantics
in this completely redundant statement
living ur life as u want implies ending it on your own terms if desire arises. any interference by a third party or an argument against suicide is pretty much overridden by the individual desire and if somehow you get swayed to save your life well you might as well die because you didn't satisfy your ego to the fullest extent.
Ego fags btfo
That's my defense attorney's excuse 😉 <:boomer:521456245505523712>
As a Vegan transgender Indian African Ugandan Zimbabwe middle aged black on the inside trigender genderqueer Apache helicopter with a flat stomach lacing of reproductive genitals that fucks cows and moos during the experience, i a male feminist that is also part delta bravo alpha beta gamma multi polyamorous and has polygraphically relations with "big titty goth girlfriend" who wears black all over who i met through Roblox, Minecraft, Garfield cart community hub, am very offended, in fact my hands are twitching due to the frustration you have put me through causing me severe trauma to the point where i require the company of a therapist for me to complain about all my first world problems (such as the hypocrisy that is man-spreading, mansplaining, man-existence) to; i'm offended, and you need know that, i hope feminist tears quench your thirst to offend someone...
@EasternDragon Welcome!
Thanks for having me!
Would egoists rape children if they thought it was in their self-interest?
but ur ego is fond of children, so you don't rape