Message from @Gas the Zoomers
Discord ID: 522546196309606410
they REE'd at that really hard
wouldn't the proper term for America be Racial-State or something along those lines?
yep it wasn't an ethnostate tho
Sorel is so fucking based.
I mean I dunno, It started out as a European string of Colonys that openly had on the books laws that only white europeans could immigrate
What most people here don't understand is, America is never going to be a white ethnostate anymore and it hasn't been that ever since the abolishment of slavery.
white european is not an ethnicity
What do you suggest
were kinda splitting hairs though
we're not
It's not but Europe does share a common history
white european (caucasian) is a race
What's the difference between a race and ethnicity
Europeans are drom the caucuses
that has many ethnicities within it but still not an ethnicity
Indo-European makes more sense
There is the American white ethnicity
The exact terms not the important part
race is irrelevant nearly always
pan european state
or rather anglo in the beginning
^ anti european
sure anglo state
I have seen many LARPers say that America was a racialist white state with no evidence or substance to this claim.
yeah i don't believe it
it wasn't, it was very anarchic at the start
? was it?
There were laws on the books that non whites couldn't immigarte
I don't know when these laws got put on the books exactly
what do you mean by anarchic?
The long-term plan was for blacks to become eventual citizens by being born into American citizenship (freedom of womb), they had to make the necessary concessions to the southern planters. With this in mind, how can you reconcile the 1790 Naturalization law?
There won't be a white ethno/racial state. That's the point. Unless the country splits its land with the other races.
It's just bad history and it's dumb. As cool as it would be it's FAKE news.
as in anarchy was prevalent
it wasn't called "the wild west" for no reason
The founding fathers were racist for sure but not pro-slavery and wanted to extend citizenship to all Americans living in America at that time eventually.