Message from @Nikitis

Discord ID: 522646236210266112

2018-12-13 05:24:29 UTC

i read this article, these Socialists saw it as their goal to demolish the Nuclear Family, and this is a person who supports that writing about it.
they see that as untethering women from men and as the ultimate freedom of being a single mother who works, raises a child and gets fucked by multiple men.. this is their utopia...

and apparently, it was Friedrich Engles who laid the foundations of this, not the New Left...

this what you support? @Xinyue

2018-12-13 05:24:54 UTC  

Everyone can't be the best, but everyone can become the strongest, the most bright, the most beautiful, and the most masterful that they can be. Everyone has a peak of achievement possible, and of course science will allow us to heighten the ceiling of attainment for all. In fact, the best system for any society that wishes to realise the attributes you speak of is socialism @Deleted User

2018-12-13 05:25:35 UTC  

Do not speak for me. You don't know what I want

2018-12-13 05:25:58 UTC  

You just outlined what you valued. I gave you an account on how to maximize those values in society.

2018-12-13 05:25:59 UTC  

```science will allow us to heighten the ceiling of attainment for all```

😬 that could mean many things

2018-12-13 05:25:59 UTC  

I know what I want. I want ownership, not of society, but of what is mine.

2018-12-13 05:26:11 UTC  

well they got the single mother shit goin so far

2018-12-13 05:26:48 UTC  

@AdorableStormtrooper It could, some extremely bad, some extremely good. Great caution and wisdom in choosing which path forward is advised, but one of those paths is necessary to be walked on.

2018-12-13 05:27:14 UTC  

ye, literally, they got what they wanted in a capitalist society, and still they mourn the loss of Socialism globally..
but no these people are not Socialists in the New Left today right? @Xinyue

2018-12-13 05:27:27 UTC  

I want to be able to become distinct from society, to grow into my own entity that improves life for myself and those who associate with me

2018-12-13 05:27:53 UTC  

Snake if you lived in the USSR you were arrested

2018-12-13 05:28:04 UTC  


2018-12-13 05:28:06 UTC  

How dare thee rise above the proletariat

2018-12-13 05:28:32 UTC  

I don't want equality, I don't want to labor in order to enrich the lives of strangers, foerigners, Muslims, Africans, leeches, and criminals

2018-12-13 05:28:40 UTC  

I am not sure what their objective was, but it isn't an inherent objective of socialism to demolish nuclear family. Especially in Marxian theory, the attributes of old society - save for the productive relations of capitalism - are not abolished, but if they are to disappear they will gradually wither away. Seems like misguided action on their part, judging from your summation of the article @AdorableStormtrooper

2018-12-13 05:28:49 UTC  

fuck ussr

2018-12-13 05:28:53 UTC  

fuck socialism, fuck communism

2018-12-13 05:28:58 UTC  

more like USSR da best

2018-12-13 05:29:04 UTC  

gibs me more gommunizm

2018-12-13 05:29:33 UTC  

@Xinyue What was the Holodomor about?

2018-12-13 05:29:36 UTC  

@HeavenIy_Father Dont issue threats

2018-12-13 05:29:44 UTC  

ok good sir

2018-12-13 05:30:12 UTC  

@Xinyue mate you keep pretending the values of the new left weren't derived from Socialism but literally.. Czech and Polish Socialist governments were doing Conferences on how to better Female Orgasm in their society.. these people are Feminists..

2018-12-13 05:30:18 UTC  

Wait since I'm here

2018-12-13 05:30:33 UTC  

Completely random, but can you guys rate this logo from 0 to 10?

2018-12-13 05:30:37 UTC  

USSR was saved by Stalin, he reversed these anti family policies, banned abortion

2018-12-13 05:31:01 UTC  

No word about the Holodomor...

2018-12-13 05:31:14 UTC  

@AdorableStormtrooper Those people were probably feminists yes, from the sounds of it

2018-12-13 05:31:46 UTC  

I'm just saying it could've be far far far worse and permanent a damage if Trotsky was in power.. @Nikitis

2018-12-13 05:31:48 UTC  

USSR was saved by Stalin, but it wasn't very good under him. Khrushchev era was the supreme period

2018-12-13 05:31:50 UTC  

I want to work, to make money, to invest it, to reach a position where I have an abundance of wealth at my disposal to use as I see fit to reward those who are worthy, my allies, my kin, my family, etc. I want to select a woman who shall be faithful and obedient to me, provide for her with my wealth and raise children together, and see my heirs surpass me before I die old and satisfied with life.

2018-12-13 05:32:22 UTC  

I don't want equality.

2018-12-13 05:32:27 UTC  

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р;[a][2]derived from морити голодом, "to kill by starvation")[3][4][5] was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. It is also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine,[6][7][8] and sometimes referred to as the Great Famine[9] or The Ukrainian Genocide of 1932–33.[10] It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country. During the Holodomor, millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[11] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine[12] and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.[13]

2018-12-13 05:32:31 UTC  

Okay you want to do that. Great. World doesn't revolve around you and your whims, for you are not a God. Whether that is the society you end up is dependent on the masses, and same applies to me and socialism @Deleted User

2018-12-13 05:32:49 UTC  

They sold the grain capitalist style to the west

2018-12-13 05:32:55 UTC  

Making millions

2018-12-13 05:33:06 UTC  

Capitalism is a stystem in which each of us may use out property as we see fit to use it.

2018-12-13 05:33:13 UTC  

So far for socialist values by the Soviet government

2018-12-13 05:33:16 UTC  

USSR did promote integration of female labor, legalized Abortion and sex education, many of these things were reversed by Stalin tho.. ofc he wasn't the best still..

2018-12-13 05:33:31 UTC  

You may use it to help black thugs. I may use it to build something beautiful and precious