Message from @aymem
Discord ID: 522702532158423071
@aymem why u got a problem wid me buddy <:varg:521372050225627156>
@AdorableStormtrooper i don't lul
bourgeoisie bad :DDD
Yeah, Social Democracy and Fascism exist side-by-side to be honest. Former is the soft application while the latter is the hard application.
this is also the Marxist-Leninist view
Capitalist Fascism is good
Marx was a terrorist
terrorism is based
Capitalist Fascism is the worst of all worlds
imagine not identifying as a terrorist in 2018
to a Marxist, yassss 😁
legalists BTFO
the positive of fascism is that atleast most fascist nations, eventhough they support an extremely unsustainable system, they atleast push for natalism at all costs and for the growth of the population through natural but also nativistic means, Mussolini wasn't wrong in saying a larger population = wealthier nation state (China) but this doesn't mean anything in household income
socdems just want everyone to immigrate to their country, it's fucking cancerous
I don't think automation is as scary as people proclaim it to be, did you watch the video paul cockshott did on ubi and automation, i highly recommend it @Xinyue
@aymem this
socdems are one of the few groups that everyone can hate together, and briefly forget their hate of each other. I've seen it happen many times, anarchists are another such group
also why the fuck does Spain have the lowest family planning budget in all of Europe when we have the lowest birth rates and are now trying to get as many immigrants to do our jobs?
yup, I think most people hate socdems
the Law is all good and fine, but nothing stands above popular sovereignty and insurrectionary legitimacy
Japan tho....
Japan does it gucci...
All ideology is stupid
Automate dat shit
"Larger Population = Wealthier Country"
that's a retarded thing to base your society around
Capitalism is anti-ideology
smaller countries are cozier
it's the economic basis of Fascism dude
literally Mussolini's idea, and it's true
I'm not a Fascist economist
**Bold claim:** Fascism has no economic basis.
a larger population will usually mean a wealthier nation-state
I'm not Fascist at all
kjust not for the people
nigga I see fascists calling themselves mercantilist
it's gay af