Message from @AdorableStormtrooper
Discord ID: 522709963668324353
also from my experience, Taiwanese are very, very strictly non-Chinese in their identification, as it comes to the younger generation. They don't consider themselves Chinese, although they recognise the influence of Chinese culture on their character
Native taiwanese aren't Han
no, they aren't
Japan is dead now,it will either be mixed into extinction or disappear
Taiwanese populations have many different influences, the Southern or min/fujian whatever, Hakka and such, and also quite a bit of intermingling with the Plains Aboriginals
i hope they eventually deport the migrants :(
>people who actually support japanese nationalism thinking it can be great again
lul ^
y not ðŸ˜
Japan is pretty fucked tbh
at so many levels
culturally they're fucked
but they can be revived don't you think?
Japan needs to get their own constitution first btw, and not an American one
there's the population crisis, there's....I mean, I don't usually use the word degenerate but it does actually apply there, and there's economic problems, etc. etc.
all asians are degenerate
in a capitalist system
> population crisis doesn't matter
**H o t T a k e**
Iberian master race is only pure race
i mean natural population declines
population crisis shouldn't matter*
> Iberian
> master rays
pick one
real aryans are the tamils, indo european gang strong
thing is, people who are highly reproductive in Japan and their descendants will replace all the degenerates with every generation.. eventually the birth rate will become static and then begin to rise.. but that takes time..
You are a Finn
Tamils are the Semi Superior Race 😳
You are mleccha
Turanism is the most retarded Ideology ever