Message from @Orwell
Discord ID: 524707715545694219
No shit
Women are property
@t r u e no there were not enough republicans, you had neocons like mccain who were democrats in all but name
That's about it
McCain's tumor wins person of the year for his service
Drumb iz gæ
@Space Bird The point is, Trump should have ben able to deliver on SOME of his promises during that time. What happened to the art of the deal? lol I would just rather he refused to play by the standard GOP rules, just like he did in the primary and general.
Anyway, your point is another reason why there is no political solution.
@t r u e he tried to be nice, ann coulter has been calling him out for being a pussy, but if he does play hard ball on the wall, and shuts down the gov until democrats cave, that will be more than enough balls for me
Right, I hope he does.
I think the GOP will try to change his mind, lets see if he caves.
whatever happens, he will still be better than continuing down the road of globalism, but its hard to get worse that WW3 and EU/USA unelected superstate
what did i miss
are we talking about replacing trump
I mean, Trump is just delaying the inevitable unless white people wake up. We'll see.
wall is the most important, deportations 2nd and only after the wall
Lads Nazbol gang kill nig nogs
You could do both and we are still doomed demographically, but it would be a good start.
The wall is the most important issue
not really, the white low birthrates are with (((whites))) and liberals, conservatives have the highest birthrates in the nation and its well above replacement
Actually, i think punishment for employers of illegals would be more effective, but the wall will also help.
The wall represents national sovereignty
harbering illegals should be highly illegal
Accelerationism ftw
@Space Bird Among whites conservatives might have a higher birth rate, but overall they do not.
unless some progress on the wall is made its gonna be used against him in the next election
But I though some of that wall was already built?
If trump compromises on the wall we can say goodbye to America
Trump is gay
Yeah, he will lose the next one if he doesn't deliver....assuming dems run someone decent.
Jk maga
@t r u e whites overall are below replacement but white conservatives are something like 3.4 and with mormons its something like 5, the amish are something like 8
What if dems obstruct any and all legislation?
members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have a replacement level of 3 last time I checked *dap*