Message from @Space Bird
Discord ID: 524709036470566935
Actually, i think punishment for employers of illegals would be more effective, but the wall will also help.
The wall represents national sovereignty
harbering illegals should be highly illegal
Accelerationism ftw
@Space Bird Among whites conservatives might have a higher birth rate, but overall they do not.
unless some progress on the wall is made its gonna be used against him in the next election
But I though some of that wall was already built?
If trump compromises on the wall we can say goodbye to America
Trump is gay
Yeah, he will lose the next one if he doesn't deliver....assuming dems run someone decent.
Jk maga
@t r u e whites overall are below replacement but white conservatives are something like 3.4 and with mormons its something like 5, the amish are something like 8
What if dems obstruct any and all legislation?
members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have a replacement level of 3 last time I checked *dap*
For a wall
a government shutdown?
Will that hurt or help Trump?
@Space Bird Interesting, how does that compare to Hispanic? What percentage of the population are "white conservatives"?
it might give him what he wants
room for compromise
@Space Bird got you 😎
Begome mormon and have white children
Or Amish
pardon the bias
That was a good meeting
the point of the vid was to give some people some white pills that if the invasion was stopped, and the 15-30 million illegals were deported the USA has a chance
Pence was looking like a chad
"questioned his manhood"
and if trump does what no one is talking about and revoke citizenship from people who got it illegally, that would be even better
that would have to be a late second term thing though
@Space Bird It just won't happen, but it's a nice thought. Another white pill, there are more whites now than at any time in history. We aren't dwindling, just losing controlling demographics.
I liked this take on it
if only there was some way to redpill the other races
You mean convince them to do something that is not good for them? You can't redpill non-whites. Our interests are opposed.
Best way to help Hispanics is to remove illegals. Legal immigrants are much more sane.