Message from @Spookaswa

Discord ID: 526428512828129305

2018-12-23 15:28:04 UTC  

I see

2018-12-23 15:28:46 UTC  

The standard nationalist response of "well its their problem I don't care" is pure cancer though

2018-12-23 15:29:11 UTC  

"I want to migrate into a marxian state" said no one ever

2018-12-23 15:29:40 UTC  

historically it did happen, though nowhere near as much as into the capitalist West

2018-12-23 15:30:57 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:32:34 UTC  

Entire field armies and provinces of the Republic of China for example just melted away into the PRC because people were defecting left and right. Or the amounts of Japanese Koreans who migrated to DPRK; or, the amounts of people who for reasons ideological moved into the USSR (these included Finns, Germans, Baltics, Frenchmen, Americans, etc).

But yeah nothing like what happened with the West

2018-12-23 15:32:39 UTC  

West did have the numbers

2018-12-23 15:33:03 UTC  

to a degree that it was overwhelming

2018-12-23 15:33:40 UTC  

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the capitalist West is a lot better at branding its forms of manipulation, brainwashing and tyranny as "freedom"

2018-12-23 15:56:47 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:57:02 UTC  

propoaganda i can support

2018-12-23 15:57:06 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:58:09 UTC  

If I decide to leave the US what country should I move to

2018-12-23 15:58:11 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:58:19 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:58:20 UTC  

2018-12-23 15:58:25 UTC  

I mean

2018-12-23 15:58:33 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:58:42 UTC  

The only pro to that is that I can experience Marxian Socialism first hand

2018-12-23 15:58:58 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:59:05 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:59:09 UTC  


2018-12-23 15:59:09 UTC  

it probably isn't *real Socialism* either

2018-12-23 15:59:19 UTC  

hello New Comer

2018-12-23 15:59:22 UTC  

Its socialism

2018-12-23 15:59:36 UTC  

Is it still Marxian Socialism? no

2018-12-23 15:59:46 UTC  

Donate to the Mexico Wall to Stay on the Server @Deleted User

2018-12-23 15:59:49 UTC  

But its the closest thing the world has

2018-12-23 16:00:16 UTC  

_donates to Mexico Wall but then gets shanked by Mexican police_

2018-12-23 16:00:32 UTC  

so anyhoo

2018-12-23 16:00:48 UTC

2018-12-23 16:01:04 UTC  

Cortez is retarded

2018-12-23 16:01:09 UTC  

Cotez is a dumb succdem

2018-12-23 16:01:18 UTC  

And part of the reason why I hate American socialists

2018-12-23 16:01:25 UTC  


2018-12-23 16:01:26 UTC  


not really, they aren't socialists

2018-12-23 16:01:27 UTC  


2018-12-23 16:01:28 UTC  

she doesn't look that ugly in that image tho

2018-12-23 16:01:53 UTC  

Democratic Socialists are Socialists..u Puritan

2018-12-23 16:02:03 UTC  

I dislike Cortezism-Sandersism specifically because its the same fucking tried and failed Western Europe social democratic idealism