Message from @Bee

Discord ID: 527704379571306496

2018-12-27 04:26:21 UTC  

In reality, the *human* is the final irreducible basis of each and every man - every other construct, whether that be race, gender, sex, nationality, etc., is nothing but an emergent factor. Behind every single emergent factor, the **human species essence looms large** - no argument can be made against this, this is a fact. This is why the spectrum of proper human self identification varies between the species and the individual as the absolute poles setting state for proper cognition.

Race, tribe, gender, sex - none of these are fundamental. None of these can ever become a platform for stable, successful politics. Only the species can act as thus, because *behind the species nothing else can be found.*

2018-12-27 04:26:24 UTC  

Destiny defeated your boy Nick.

2018-12-27 04:26:28 UTC  

you should respect him

2018-12-27 04:26:45 UTC  

Destiny was a failure, but Nick was bad as well, that was a shitshow

2018-12-27 04:26:55 UTC  

The species is the foundational concept

2018-12-27 04:27:08 UTC  

thats why it is the rightful basis for political consciousness

2018-12-27 04:27:22 UTC  

@Xinyue okay, lets fill up the government with mentally ill trannies

2018-12-27 04:27:29 UTC  

Racialists are literally people imbued in and enjoying a *false consciousness*

2018-12-27 04:27:37 UTC  

He wasn't a failure at all, he'd destroy you in a debate without breaking a sweat

2018-12-27 04:27:47 UTC  


I don't watch that gay shit, anyway

You just admitted it wasn't thought of as a negative in the past, implying that normal people bought into it. If normal people buy into a belief system that is ingrained in them by their primal instincts, maybe this psycho-analayitical bullshit has no weight, right?

2018-12-27 04:28:05 UTC  

People who repeat that nonsense are just opening their mouths to make themselves feel good

2018-12-27 04:28:08 UTC  

it makes no fucking sense

2018-12-27 04:28:10 UTC  

yes, this anti racism is a new idea, and a shitty one

2018-12-27 04:28:17 UTC  

>you just hate black people because you have something missing in your life

2018-12-27 04:28:19 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:28:20 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:28:23 UTC  

Are trannies part of the biological human species essence? No, humans are a reproductive heterosexual species - heterosexuality is the form of sexuality (along with possibly bisexuality) which is in accord with species nature. Transgenderism probably isn't. @Bee

2018-12-27 04:28:24 UTC  

how does that make any goddamn sense?

2018-12-27 04:28:35 UTC  

Do you actually view the world like that?

2018-12-27 04:28:41 UTC  

>everyone I don't like is mentally ill

2018-12-27 04:28:48 UTC  

@Xinyue not reproducing is in accordance with nature

2018-12-27 04:28:55 UTC  

I have 70 pictures in a folder named B8

2018-12-27 04:29:05 UTC  

The caricature of the species essence is easy to argue against, but the actual substantive thing will defeat racialist brainlets every time

2018-12-27 04:29:16 UTC  

Because things that were thought of as socially acceptable back then aren't thought of as acceptable now. The issue comes when people try arguing against said norms and trying to bring back the past even though they know the reasoning as to why its said to be "bad"

2018-12-27 04:29:20 UTC  

the races are different, prove me wrong @Xinyue

2018-12-27 04:30:03 UTC  

As are the groups within a race. I share nothing in common with the leader of the Sons of Odin, or Julie Bindel - nothing. My worldview couldn't be further apart from them. The orthodox Marxist living in Pakistan? Probably will share quite a bit in common with him! @Bee

2018-12-27 04:30:04 UTC  

@edik You're arguing morality again, or how "bad" something was

2018-12-27 04:30:15 UTC  

People need to stop thinking

2018-12-27 04:30:21 UTC  

>It's unethical therefore mental illness

2018-12-27 04:30:22 UTC  

Founding fathers intent shouldn't matter. Their system is fluid and should be able to be changed when necessary.

2018-12-27 04:30:22 UTC

2018-12-27 04:30:33 UTC  

Yes, respond with emojis - the testament to your defeat!

2018-12-27 04:30:50 UTC  

no, because its ridiculous lol @Xinyue

2018-12-27 04:30:50 UTC  

No, you're arguing that one can only be racist through mental illness which is just ridiculous

2018-12-27 04:30:58 UTC  

The Soviet Ideology burns like the luminous sun which downs the idealist Icarus with pure reality every time.

2018-12-27 04:31:01 UTC  

That is why the past

2018-12-27 04:31:05 UTC  

is being referenced

2018-12-27 04:31:12 UTC  

@Xinyue Soviets got cucked by Deng

2018-12-27 04:31:13 UTC  

If someone doesn't understand why its unethical to deport millions of innocent people based on their race, why shouldn't you question their mental state?

2018-12-27 04:31:13 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:31:23 UTC  

@The Big Oof Deng was gay and we shall have revenge