Message from @Huff

Discord ID: 528029069653311498

2018-12-28 01:49:15 UTC  

I also said that has little relevance in the modern day and that ```
I firmly believe that if a stable family unit were widespread in those communities, and a push to change the culture were made, it would not be the way it is today within a few decades```

2018-12-28 01:49:48 UTC  

The fat controller laughed "you are wrong"

2018-12-28 01:50:38 UTC  

why can't they maintain stable family units tho, who is going to give them the stable family units too?
who's going to pay for the education on how to keep stable family units that they're gonna fuckin brush off because they don't give a shit?

2018-12-28 01:51:21 UTC  

Yall really out here calling me gay because I referenced a badass reaction meme? πŸ†—

2018-12-28 01:51:25 UTC  

Anyway, Huff-

2018-12-28 01:51:35 UTC  

we already know, white people are gonna have to fix their problems for them, or at least, attempt too

2018-12-28 01:51:47 UTC  

Do you remember when I outlined the 'culture of poverty' by Oscar Lewis?

2018-12-28 01:52:03 UTC  

yes, I remember when you cited the shapeshifter

2018-12-28 01:53:18 UTC  

Ignoring that stupid remark, one of the traits he outlined as being present and indicators of the culture of poverty were men as occasional contributors, fathers of many children, having 'bling' ornaments, being 'sharp dressers' (probably in the modern day buying all that brand name shit while being poor?) and women being the centre of the household due to the absence of and marginalization of men in that sphere

2018-12-28 01:53:53 UTC  

I don't think that in the present state the African American community can just fix itself, obviously someone from outside is going to have to fix the problem, and that is why I embrace civic nationalism

2018-12-28 01:54:55 UTC  

"stupid remark"

2018-12-28 01:55:13 UTC  

You said 'the shapeshifter' so yes, stupid remark

2018-12-28 01:55:51 UTC  

In a free and fair society, with high levels of state transparency and strong institutions, there is no reason to blame your failure on 'the system', meritocracy renders that excuse totally invalid; let everyone have equal opportunity and let everyone become part of a new and all-encompassing culture; a culture of loving your countrymen and loving your land, grow the land of your ancestors and harvest her fruits, become an innovator, solve your own problems, have a family and do not live outside your means, take care of the environment and do not let uncontrolled waves of people who do not share these values enter your country

2018-12-28 01:56:26 UTC  

the guy was a son of a rabbi, he came up with something subversive and changed his name to appear white

2018-12-28 01:56:36 UTC  

he's a shapeshifter

2018-12-28 01:57:04 UTC  

He was Jewish, so what? His explanations of adaptations to poverty are literally plain to see

2018-12-28 01:58:12 UTC  

Give me a reason to attempt fixing the African American community, why is that my issue?
Additionally, people have been trying to fix it since it started, not much progress

2018-12-28 01:58:24 UTC  

Are you work of his I've cited because he was a jew, because you disagree with them, or because you are trying to derail the argument?

2018-12-28 01:58:34 UTC  

It's probably your issue because you're the one complaining about them

2018-12-28 01:58:56 UTC  

Because Jews have a tendency of trying to appear white while pushing civil rights type bullshit

2018-12-28 01:59:00 UTC  

Make it palatable

2018-12-28 01:59:24 UTC  

I disagree with it, him being Jewish just makes me extra wary

2018-12-28 02:00:41 UTC  

So you do not see the following

- instant gratification
- women as the centre of the household; men as marginal, occasional contributors
- low aspirations
- men as 'sharp dressers'
- men fathering many children
- families with high incidences of cohabitation
- little reliance on banks and no investment strategies

As being present in the black community in America?

2018-12-28 02:00:56 UTC  

These are *literally* the first things you notice when you examine that community

2018-12-28 02:00:59 UTC  

His explanations of adaptations to poverty is just something I don't buy because blacks are like this everywhere

2018-12-28 02:01:02 UTC  


2018-12-28 02:01:23 UTC  

Even if the hole is not on your side of the ship, the ship will still sink

2018-12-28 02:01:49 UTC  

Men as sharp dressers, fathering many children, instant gratification, these happen even in Africa

2018-12-28 02:02:27 UTC  

Lewis said these are 'common adaptations to common problems', they're adaptations to poverty that become self-perpetuating

2018-12-28 02:02:58 UTC  

I call that lack of morals

2018-12-28 02:02:58 UTC  

I said in my argument that I think it is much worse there (in America) because that group of Africans has little actual culture of their own

2018-12-28 02:04:43 UTC  

but its probably worse in Africa

2018-12-28 02:05:09 UTC  

the problems they have here are held barely in check by abortion clinics, welfare, ect.

2018-12-28 02:05:31 UTC  

🀷 Lewis did not study poor households in Africa, he studied poor families in the USA (Largely 'urban') India and Mexico

2018-12-28 02:05:57 UTC  

But as I said, he did say that the same traits were found to some degree across all those areas because he believed them to be common 'solutions' to common problems

2018-12-28 02:06:14 UTC  

Oh, sorry the word is adaptations not solutions

2018-12-28 02:09:09 UTC  

Where I live the urban black community has the same problems as well, except instead of welfare they are held in check by gang leaders helping out their communities in exchange for loyalty and support

2018-12-28 02:09:44 UTC  

gang nationalism

2018-12-28 02:10:51 UTC  

- checks server rules again before he makes a statement -

2018-12-28 02:11:50 UTC  

I still don't buy it