Message from @CrowGoCaw

Discord ID: 528374769926537217

2018-12-29 00:50:35 UTC  

oh yes I'm sure that genesis is the best model

2018-12-29 00:50:37 UTC  


2018-12-29 00:50:39 UTC  


2018-12-29 00:50:45 UTC  

oh lord it has begun

2018-12-29 00:50:47 UTC  

(walks away)

2018-12-29 00:50:53 UTC  

Humans come from rocks

2018-12-29 00:50:53 UTC  

another atheist has discovered genesis

2018-12-29 00:51:00 UTC  

*sega genesis

2018-12-29 00:51:05 UTC  


2018-12-29 00:51:12 UTC  

literally nothing in the Bible makes sense. Including the God-Defeat-By-Iron parts

2018-12-29 00:51:12 UTC  

Genesis does what nintendon't

2018-12-29 00:51:35 UTC  

>why can't i a human understand the divine and unknowable

2018-12-29 00:51:36 UTC  

wow guys im 11 and i have found a shocking discovery!11!! genesis dosnt make sense cuz it make in 7 days and basicly it took 40 billion years so bible must be wrong

2018-12-29 00:51:46 UTC  


2018-12-29 00:51:51 UTC  

like you *reaaaalllly* have to bend the logic to make the pieces fit. And you know just as well as I do that you wouldn't allow anything else in your conscious experience this leeway of logical leap.

2018-12-29 00:52:07 UTC  

>using logic for the metaphysical and divine

2018-12-29 00:52:10 UTC  

xinyue, what kind of degrees do u have

2018-12-29 00:52:15 UTC  

Okay libtard

2018-12-29 00:52:19 UTC  

here's the thing

2018-12-29 00:52:34 UTC  

the mortal cannot become let alone quantify the immortal

2018-12-29 00:52:41 UTC  

we can see this with concepts like infinity

2018-12-29 00:52:46 UTC  

Bible doesn't in fact encompass all metaphysical and divine. "Muh metaphysical" and "muh divine" could be correct and real things in one billion different ways that still include the Bible being horseshit @CrowGoCaw

2018-12-29 00:52:57 UTC  

weak argument

2018-12-29 00:53:10 UTC  

xinyue just stop

2018-12-29 00:53:15 UTC  

its too cringe

2018-12-29 00:53:26 UTC  

Im arguing against your shitty way of interpreting what is considered divine

2018-12-29 00:53:27 UTC  

its literally the predominant view on metaphysics in Europe/West and you hold onto it for that reason. There's no "big think" here, just "groupthink"

2018-12-29 00:53:36 UTC  

"i don see god so he don exist! owned christian funedmentals!"

2018-12-29 00:53:40 UTC  


2018-12-29 00:53:47 UTC  

I say "christian god" is fucking horseshit

2018-12-29 00:53:53 UTC  

i regularly provide that deist god could be real

2018-12-29 00:53:57 UTC  

and there's no real way to assail that

2018-12-29 00:54:04 UTC  

Ok let me try to follow ur asshat here

2018-12-29 00:54:06 UTC  

Literally any god could be real if you're for deism

2018-12-29 00:54:18 UTC  

in any form

2018-12-29 00:54:20 UTC  


2018-12-29 00:54:20 UTC  

xinyue are u chinese

2018-12-29 00:54:26 UTC  

The deist god is real

2018-12-29 00:54:31 UTC  

his name is Hitler and he fled to Argentina

2018-12-29 00:54:33 UTC  

Deism is the most tenable position to have in theism, because it makes no further claims on God than his existence

2018-12-29 00:54:38 UTC  

it could be any number of gods