Message from @Runes
Discord ID: 483976050267652127
fucking 6 days til college, broke af and missing all the tools for my course
how do you even fucking budget boys
have fun in college. it's a hell of a ride.
usually you just don't eat for some days
well, one actual tip i can give is: just buy stuff on sale
budget by selling your skills for moni
and not eat for days
^ learn to be nigger and not eat
you can also ask for spare MREs from the ROTC kids, you can eat from those
No more jrotc here
*gentleman* gamers
didn't he shoot up the place after he lost
Yeah that him
wow that's beyond simple loser
this is a tier of loser you rarely see
*advanced losing*
This is how ”they” lose
He's Jewish what did you expect
Yall think he'll get away with it
i mean
he doesn't have to take responsibility for it since he's dead
so yeah
He an heroed pretty much immediately
He went snap crack pop
maximum homete