
Discord ID: 185740438794272768

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Sadmin is basically a really fat possum



incest and from the south

same thing you fuckin slut

and that's like actual canon

Effect of the curse, it warped her scalp
so she arranges her hair to make it look more fitting

Marisa ainโ€™t a useless fuck like cirno


Fuckin dumbass fairy

Zun never asked for this

Zun needs to be drunk after touhou

>zun later kills himself upon sobering

Found at the local hairdressers


They said โ€œkill yourself you damn weeaboo lmaoโ€

You gonna take tim's furry fetish commission then?
you'd probably enjoy drawing it tbh @Inazuma

tim wants that nasu with a horsecock

I thought germans were into scat not fur


Fate steals its own OCs

Because even Takeuchi is self aware and the franchise memes about it @blyat

Unironic nazbols exist

Unironically shouting nazbol gang and shit

Nazbol League of Gamers rise up

gohan is just super wholesome

you get to see kerry happy tbh

Tbh considering just getting an rsa or something and being a bartender cos fuck this

inazuma is too autistic to work period

@blyat it's more socially acceptable than yeeting a child against the wall

when the parents forget to pay me 3 days straight

"oh i'lll get it to you next time so sorry"

where do you work again, like a hotel or smth?

your ass is the prize the jeriatrics were rollign for

English yeah
before that i worked with children in speech therapy

they're all like grade 7 now anyway they won't need the word geriatric

i teach them to write essays and boy do streetshitters suck at understanding the question

granted it's extremely bullshit

no white people ask for tutoring at grade 7
it's all pajeets and pajeetalinas

it's more accurate to use the word *tween*

shilling to that much helps

only outside in the street @Dickbutt

and ordinarilly like 7
otherwise i actually can't take it

it's stupid good for being a child
i only know one kid my age who makes more money

no that is another kid

this one works as a butcher

he does work 10 or so hours

>people commission you for fursuits

furries at least would pay way too much fuckin money

i think it's because it's hard to get anybody to draw furry scat

high demand low supply

are you a celloist?

blyat is just cerafuki in the future

so of course he has more practice

>not hunting squirrels with 50BMG

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