Message from @Innaswamp
Discord ID: 491435123389104139
Im back!
Who are you
A fella who hasn't been in this discod for a long while
Idk you
So where is the ha🅱 🅱 ening panic
Greetings mortals
You don't exist
*Folks I'm going down to St. James infirmary*
Can I watch?
*LOOOOOOOK* Here Innaswamp, let him go let him go oh blesser *INNASWAMP IS LAID OUT ON THIS LONG WHITE TABLE*
It habbening
Is a 120 mile round trip worth it for a job that pays like $35 an hour?
I think yes
Only until you get enough money to move closer
I mean I used to drive two hours both ways for 13 bucks
Just get enough funds to move. It's what I did later when I worked for USPS which is similar pay to your offer.
Oh shit didn't know a second server was made
@-={rostelle}=- good taste in Fatefu
sanson is underrated too
I grailed him not too long ago ; )
Goetia annihilator
was his special attack human or humanoid again
@-={rostelle}=- human unfortunately lol but eh a mob basher isn't too useless.
@d'Arta sounds like a winner