Message from @urzu117
Discord ID: 492201713160421376
I want role pls
I’m a mod
_shadow government_
Costco's removal of the $1.50 Polish hotdog, and its replacement with an Acai Bowl, is the clearest proof possible of the global conspiracy against virility.
To wit.
The hotdog. A firm, proud shaft of meat. It embodies the phallus, Priapus in his domain. Served with onions, the food of men.
Its day is done. Costco, at the behest of sinister forces, withdraws the meaty shaft. A symbolic emasculation of the food court, Priapic, bun-piercing frank deceased.
Its replacement? The acai bowl. A mons of yeasty oats and sickly fruit served in a yonic vessel.
This is the truth of it. The food court, formative, masculine bonding zone of the shopping ritual, unmanned by the withdrawal of the proffered meatshaft in lieu of the yonic yeast offering. An unmanned society is weak in war.
>no more bigass hotdogs at Costco
Fuck you’re kidding me right?
Stop sharing my shit
I'm going to fucking kill my ISP
Fuck yeah
"That's a nice VC you're in, be a shame if I dropped to .000001 kbps for literally no reason"
IS OUT <:BEHEHE:386628596355301386>
Huff Post is a bunch of fat wamen
What do you expect?
something less blatant than "we're fat and can't be fucked to stop being fat cunts, and you're gonna accept us as we drain your medical system of resources"
@Saint_Kristoph Can I fuck that
It is currently 3am where I live, I could've sworn I just heard my home phone ring, but Caller ID has nothing on it since 2pm. This is how horror movies start
It’s time
@Maj. Asshole remember you are the homo
Kot boy
Almost like sarcasm
: ^ )
But who is not autistic anymore
Autism man