Message from @Dunkelwulf
Discord ID: 492436434444091407
good morning americans
American in Europe kill me
europe sounds comfy
we need to take all the morbidly obese people, throw them in poor countries in Africa and in Asia and process them as food. Boom world hunger and obesity problem solved
Turn them into rocket fuel
That way they're actually contributing to society
my nigga! XD
we should do what the japs are doing with whales...
>tfw you're only a few steps away from being a doomer
holly shit i'm a doomer
a drunk doomer
Been that way for a few weeks
Ram ranch
Reallylly rocks
*if you like suckin' cowboy cocks ram ranch really rocks*
18 sweaty 💦 COWBOYS
Europe is comfy af
>literally as far west on Europe as possible
That would technically be Iceland
Fuck Iceland
fuck you
iceland is ok
could be worse
could be america 😹
Iceland is very pretty
If Iceland had a second amendment id completely abandon my plan to move to the PNW
You’re moving to the PNW
The cities along the I5 aren’t the most pro 2A either
Do not move to the PNW
It's a trap