Message from @KaeruOfDrinks
Discord ID: 497583750880690176
it ain't tactical unless it smuggles budgies
Cargo shorts are gay.
How else am I gonna keep extra range goodies without cargo shorts
rhodieboo shorts @Sadmin unironic
@KaeruOfDrinks Cargo pants are fine. Cargo shorts are bad.
@-={rostelle}=- Don't get me started on the unironic rhodieboos
Still buying flecktarn cargo shorts
i have foreskin so i dont need pant pockets
"haha fug gommunists shoot niggers xddd"
insinuating slavaboos are better
I don't wear shorts because my legs are too pale and I have a brace that looks like bdsm gear.
I just want to kill niggers
cargo shorts are great though
cargo shorts are the high waisted shorts of the girl world
I need to get my dad look on at the range
>cargo pants
goth thots wear high waist jean shorts
mfw mobile fag
Cargo shorts and pants are useful for construction work
Shorts without the cargo pockets are okay. Shorter is better. If your balls don’t pop out of your shorts they’re too long.
how can a /k/ discord not have a slav channel
"slot floop with fal xdddddddd"
"What do you mean my poorly rattlecanned dsa voyager and 200 rounds of tula .308 isn't enough to reclaim rhodesia"
why again cant phones view webms
"God I wish I could have some gay rattlecan job FAL "
wait so its gay that want a FAL now?
you are gay
no, a baby poop fal yes
my government says its verboten
get nigged
DSA is slipping
because of some retard in tazmania
@Sadmin a Rhodie kit is cheaper and more practical than that FG42.
Sadmin shitposting hours
i want any gun