Message from @CornfieldAnon
Discord ID: 509157997512228865
You don't wait until they make the law able to target you before you get rid of it.
selling single cigs on the street corner...
Overpaying Child Support
Being accused of a crime you didn't do and being convicted
yay gun violence protection orders
Protection orders are also fucking stupid
or divorce court
get fucked
Divorce court is the most heinous shit
Forgot to mention a single financial asset? Whelp the whole prenup is thrown out and now you're fucked.
@Mojo unless one of the options is Balkanization, i really dont care outside of presidential
I've never touched a pussy even once in my life
Touch ass and bob, but never Vagene
That's depressing
I wish for death daily
whats the physical requirements for cav scouts?
You don't meet them corny
Your knee is a dq
Get in shape and fake it
but i wanted to be with the highest mortality rate
Cav scouts dont do much
>Driving M113
>run into tree
>Trunk overmatches and penetrates the armor
>Entire crew dies
*skrrt skrrt*
You’re belief in votes making a difference is cute.
If you believe in votes making a difference on what the electoral college does then you shouldn't be old enough to vote
Feeling cautiously optimistic about the election
@Sadmin oi cunt why did you delete my comment on your post in the group
That was funny
Let me cast a vote from down under
Vote for Jeb Bush
Write in Jeb!