Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 277624679773241344
Our next order of business has gotta be setting up an ACTUAL hierarchy
For what
That's what I've been meaning to get to.
Countries in anticom?
Everyone has to report to someone.
what kind of sheild are we talking
All members of Wellstone, which is currently gearing up to make California a SANCTUARY STATE
We need a basic leadership structure.
This is basically a play for secesstion
CA has always been a sanctuary state, it's just official now
Wellstone backs Berkeley Mayor Arreguino
Not official yet
California should cecede so democrats never win kek
They don't call it Cuckafornia or Commiefornia for nothing
I'll volunteer to be head of West Virginia division I guess... Start somewhere.
Then we build.
I'm one of the only international goyim here
I'd like to volunteer for head of the Michigan chapter.
I guess I'll help the FL division. But I'm not doing any irl shit, so
But the problem is,
Someone write this shit down
I'm working on stiff, how religious are we?
I know literally zero redpilled men here.
They essentially support incest
Don't have any connections to religion
Probably should talk about this in the individual regions
We dont need to talk about religion
Religion is a non issue
@Fallen ANTICOM is just that. Anti communist.
@Odalist Refrain My friends are all republican and one of them recently took the political compass test and got left authoritarian... Fucking kek
Probably a Neocon
They don't necessarily need to be redpilled, they just need to be anti communist and against leftism in general