Message from @FUGUBARAKUN
Discord ID: 518448669746528266
fuck that guy
He was the last president that understood national security.
He was the last president to do 9/11
Wrong Bush
This is the Bush that actually knew how to use the CIA and win a war.
@Sadmin this could be us
Buy the iguana btw sadmin
@Innaswamp Gib tracking fucker
Look at this long ass mf sling
**long boi**
Don't you like expand fugu?
It's for when you ultimately stick a compressor hose up your ass and try to fulfill your inflation fetish
Irl inflation is nope
Does nothing for me
Throwback to that one guy in like indonesia who shot a bunch of compressed air up a guys ass and knocked out his teeth and completely ruptured most of his digestive tract
....the fuck
Jfc what
10/10 should be a mortal kombat execution
Fuckin shot him in the ass with an industrial airgun
That's actually a common thing in nip land top
It's called kancho or something
Bunch of retards die from that shit every year
Kancho is alittle bit different