Message from @FUGUBARAKUN
Discord ID: 518449885192781826
Wrong Bush
This is the Bush that actually knew how to use the CIA and win a war.
@Sadmin this could be us
Buy the iguana btw sadmin
@Innaswamp Gib tracking fucker
Look at this long ass mf sling
What fat ass Fudd was this made for
**long boi**
Don't you like expand fugu?
It's for when you ultimately stick a compressor hose up your ass and try to fulfill your inflation fetish
Does nothing for me
Throwback to that one guy in like indonesia who shot a bunch of compressed air up a guys ass and knocked out his teeth and completely ruptured most of his digestive tract
....the fuck
Jfc what
10/10 should be a mortal kombat execution
Fuckin shot him in the ass with an industrial airgun
That's actually a common thing in nip land top
It's called kancho or something
Bunch of retards die from that shit every year
Kancho is alittle bit different
It's just shoving your fingers up someone's ass...
But kancho also just can mean enema
2 nukes were not enough
1 Nuke was enough the 2nd turned them into what they are today