Message from @Daddy

Discord ID: 679871960393449535

2020-02-19 23:50:07 UTC

2020-02-20 00:06:30 UTC

2020-02-20 00:19:33 UTC  

aw sheeeiit

2020-02-20 00:19:37 UTC  


2020-02-20 00:23:45 UTC

2020-02-20 00:34:44 UTC

2020-02-20 01:05:20 UTC  

>haha look at all this Hollywood degeneracy
_Still watches porn._

2020-02-20 01:28:28 UTC

2020-02-20 01:55:08 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:00:39 UTC

2020-02-20 02:01:55 UTC  

They even retconned the living past 50 thing

2020-02-20 02:03:52 UTC  

The trade federation did take a lot of damage from the clone wars

2020-02-20 02:04:43 UTC  

And then got nationalized and resold to plutocrats

2020-02-20 02:05:28 UTC  

Well what else was going to happen to them? Anakin killed all the high ranking members

2020-02-20 02:06:36 UTC  

Palpatine had the perfect solution for those big-nosed Nemoidans

2020-02-20 02:08:14 UTC  

Nemoidians were literally Chinese

2020-02-20 02:08:26 UTC  

Watto was Jewish

2020-02-20 02:08:33 UTC  

Jar jar was black

2020-02-20 02:09:56 UTC  

Watto was a terrible Jew

2020-02-20 02:10:03 UTC  

he didn't subvert anything

2020-02-20 02:10:07 UTC  

constantly lost money

2020-02-20 02:11:05 UTC  

It’s like merchant of Venice

2020-02-20 02:11:11 UTC  

The Jew got outjewed

2020-02-20 02:22:33 UTC  

@DarthSammich What do you mean?

2020-02-20 02:24:16 UTC  

The clones still have accelerated aging. If they age at twice the rate, a Clone Trooper like say, Rex, would be biologically 72 by the battle of Endor, and chronologically in his 30s. Assuming clones are at least 20 by the time of the start of the Clone Wars.

2020-02-20 02:26:08 UTC  

The irony is that the companies that made up the CIS were only allowed to amass such large private armies because of the Republic's lack of willingness or ability to crack down on piracy.

2020-02-20 02:29:41 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:34:44 UTC  

So apparently the reason why the First Order took over the galaxy so quickly was that immediately after the Starkiller Base incident, half of the New Republic's member states seceded, and joined the First Order.

Really makes you question, then, how the Galatic Concordat even made it into law, if so many planets that would go on to form the New Republic actually liked the empire.

In legends, the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty stipulated that planets within both factions could switch sides at will, which makes sense, considering how many planets in the New Republic are absolute monarchies and would probably favor the direct rule of the Imperial Moffs, rather than attempting to find representation in a highly corrupt senate, in regards to Galactic matters.

2020-02-20 02:36:15 UTC  

yeah, that sounds like Galactic Cope

2020-02-20 02:36:23 UTC  

Disney is trying to make the lore AFTER the movies

2020-02-20 02:36:34 UTC  

trying to emulate what fans did after the OT

2020-02-20 02:37:06 UTC  

Hmm, yes. Also, The Resistance is a prviate army ran by Leia Organa. I mean, she's basically a war criminal.

2020-02-20 02:37:59 UTC  

Actually, most of the Rebellion are guilty of war crimes. They often used civilian ships and freighters for combat purposes. You don't see the empire doing that.

2020-02-20 02:40:02 UTC  

So, what they're saying is, Luke and Leia's dream, the Rebel Alliance's dream, of a restored Republic was, in fact, so *shit,* that *half* the member states would arbitrarily defect at the drop of a hat?

2020-02-20 02:40:43 UTC  

Further demonstrating the *only way* sequel SW can make sense, is by *undermining* the impact and triumph of the OT.

2020-02-20 02:41:32 UTC