Message from @Miniature Menace

Discord ID: 679885059137732677

2020-02-20 02:34:44 UTC  

So apparently the reason why the First Order took over the galaxy so quickly was that immediately after the Starkiller Base incident, half of the New Republic's member states seceded, and joined the First Order.

Really makes you question, then, how the Galatic Concordat even made it into law, if so many planets that would go on to form the New Republic actually liked the empire.

In legends, the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty stipulated that planets within both factions could switch sides at will, which makes sense, considering how many planets in the New Republic are absolute monarchies and would probably favor the direct rule of the Imperial Moffs, rather than attempting to find representation in a highly corrupt senate, in regards to Galactic matters.

2020-02-20 02:36:15 UTC  

yeah, that sounds like Galactic Cope

2020-02-20 02:36:23 UTC  

Disney is trying to make the lore AFTER the movies

2020-02-20 02:36:34 UTC  

trying to emulate what fans did after the OT

2020-02-20 02:37:06 UTC  

Hmm, yes. Also, The Resistance is a prviate army ran by Leia Organa. I mean, she's basically a war criminal.

2020-02-20 02:37:59 UTC  

Actually, most of the Rebellion are guilty of war crimes. They often used civilian ships and freighters for combat purposes. You don't see the empire doing that.

2020-02-20 02:40:02 UTC  

So, what they're saying is, Luke and Leia's dream, the Rebel Alliance's dream, of a restored Republic was, in fact, so *shit,* that *half* the member states would arbitrarily defect at the drop of a hat?

2020-02-20 02:40:43 UTC  

Further demonstrating the *only way* sequel SW can make sense, is by *undermining* the impact and triumph of the OT.

2020-02-20 02:41:32 UTC

2020-02-20 02:41:54 UTC  

Well, Bloodline establishes that the senate is highly corrupt. Leia beleives they can't be saved, and starts the Resistance, which is even dumber, since at least the Rebels wanted to restore the Republic. The Resistance have the faintest idea of how they'll fill this power vacuum, just that they don't like the First Order, but Leia clearly has disdain for democracy as of Bloodline.

2020-02-20 02:45:12 UTC  

Right, so it was basically all pointless.

2020-02-20 02:45:17 UTC  

And the Resistance is just a cope

2020-02-20 02:45:23 UTC  

Because she has no end game.

2020-02-20 02:46:34 UTC  

Also, consider how small the Resistance is. Does anyone actually hate the First Order? They struggle to find allies at all, in TLJ, all of Leia's contacts fall through. The entire Resistance consists of how many people can fit in the Falcon by the end of that movie.

2020-02-20 02:47:13 UTC

2020-02-20 02:47:50 UTC  

I haven't read Resistance Reborn. It's supposed to act as sort of a sequel to Bloodline, and Battlefront II's campaign DLC, sorta. Anyway, so Zay can't find anyone to help the Resistance, shocking, but they do find ex-Imperials willing to help.

2020-02-20 02:49:13 UTC  

Leia really has nothing in the way of principles. She neglected her own child, for a pointless career in a corrupt and highly ineffective Galactic senate, which all came crashing down after the secret of her parenthood was reveled by a rival, which is hardly something should could expect to keep secret for long.

2020-02-20 02:59:35 UTC  

Also Leia sent her son away to be taught and spied on by his religious fanatic uncle to make sure he dosen't turn evil thanks to his lonely and neglectful upbringing, since, after all, Luke is the only one who could possibly kill Ben if he turned to the darkside, and Leia knew this.

This culminates Luke attempting to kill Ben in his sleep, to which Ben retaliates. After the new Jedi Order is destroyed by Snoke with a bolt of lightning (this is what happened, seriously), Ben turns to emulating and seeing as a role model, Darth Vader, the father of his previous role model who tried to kill him, since he sees nothing in his callous and neglectful parents who had him put in the care of sombody who literally tried to kill him in his sleep.
@Miniature Menace

2020-02-20 03:01:22 UTC  

I already knew about most of that. The Snoke lightning bolt thing was new info. Everything new I learn just makes it stupider and more vile.

2020-02-20 03:02:48 UTC  

Yes, as of the Rise of Kylo Ren comics, Kylo didn't actually destroy the Jedi Order with the Knights of Ren in tow.

2020-02-20 03:04:44 UTC  

Disney has succeeded in what the prequel trilogy couldn't achieve. Making me not care about Star Wars.

2020-02-20 03:06:14 UTC  

In legends, when Jacen Solo turns to the darkside and kills his aunt, Mara Jade, his parents disown him, and Luke never forgives him. Luke is also criminally charged for neglecting his duties by the New Republic and sent on a decade long exile.

Kylo is partied to the deaths of trillions of people, and his mom still thinks he's worthy of redemption, and Luke dosen't even attempt to kill him, even though ROS confirms he could've left Ahch To.

2020-02-20 03:09:10 UTC

2020-02-20 03:10:40 UTC  

Really, the whole trilogy hinges on Kylo turning the the light.

Maybe Jacen was posthumouy redeemed in the light by helping to kill Abeloth, but he ultimately had his family at heart during his final moments, which he loved more than anything. There isn't really much indication that he abandoned the ideals that led him to become Darth Caedus.

2020-02-20 03:13:17 UTC

2020-02-20 03:31:06 UTC  
2020-02-20 03:58:50 UTC  
2020-02-20 03:59:35 UTC

2020-02-20 04:00:07 UTC  

thanks @fluff

2020-02-20 04:01:09 UTC  


2020-02-20 04:02:15 UTC  

true dedication

2020-02-20 04:06:20 UTC  

cops came by and removed the scooter swazi

2020-02-20 04:06:49 UTC  

cops are jannies

2020-02-20 04:06:58 UTC  


2020-02-20 04:07:05 UTC  


2020-02-20 04:07:28 UTC

2020-02-20 04:13:51 UTC  

cops showed up and nobody played Baked Alaska....