Message from @marstomper

Discord ID: 682195258066731024

2020-02-26 11:55:07 UTC  

That's to you, nerth. lol

2020-02-26 11:55:30 UTC  

tell him what happened

2020-02-26 11:55:37 UTC  


2020-02-26 11:55:48 UTC  

I posted the link of Tyrone telling my story.

2020-02-26 11:55:54 UTC  

both the start and the end of the bell curve love mo bamba

2020-02-26 11:56:35 UTC  


2020-02-26 11:57:00 UTC  

```I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend.
Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did.
Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.```
Seriously though, it's uncanny.

2020-02-26 11:57:26 UTC  

Not all music has to be "intellectual" and most people probably don't understand the lyrics of the music they listen to.

2020-02-26 11:57:52 UTC  

@Nerthulas Do you know what happened to cause vlad to no longer have power?

2020-02-26 11:58:09 UTC  


2020-02-26 11:58:11 UTC  

wat happened

2020-02-26 11:58:12 UTC  

weaboo doesnt understand

2020-02-26 11:59:03 UTC  

ok, they were both mods, and they had a fight or whatever, of who was moderating correctly. Vlad was banning people left and right. I don't remember whos side most mods were on. Eventually it turned into jf having to handle it, and he unmodded both, and at first, banned beef.

2020-02-26 11:59:04 UTC  

mo bamba is literally a song about resisting narcotics and women and the final understanding.

2020-02-26 11:59:05 UTC  

It's a long and storied past, filled with ups and downs that has been recounted many times, but I suppose since the psycho bitch deleted everything it might as well be recounted once more for old times' sake.

2020-02-26 11:59:14 UTC  

peak esoteric fascism

2020-02-26 11:59:23 UTC  

this is why I wanted you to tell teh story, because I'm sure I left out important shit

2020-02-26 11:59:27 UTC  

That's pretty inaccurate actually.

2020-02-26 11:59:29 UTC  

I don't know how any of them got mods to begin with

2020-02-26 12:00:24 UTC  

anyone here actually into the esoteric?

2020-02-26 12:00:36 UTC  

my whole life is esoteric

2020-02-26 12:00:38 UTC  

It goes back to the Rosh days to start, with his fervent(though misguided) intent to fight me on the banning of a few annoyances to the server. We never got acrimonious with each other and I respected his holding to his beliefs. This becomes relevant later on.

2020-02-26 12:00:51 UTC  

I want to know more about the golf rumors

2020-02-26 12:01:01 UTC  

He was eventually removed as a mod and banned later due to not letting it go until the very end, despite JF telling him to drop it.

2020-02-26 12:01:17 UTC  

Thus began the Lad Riots.

2020-02-26 12:02:43 UTC  

The Lad Riots were an entertaining if insane short period that ended in the Lad Genocide, after JF gave 30 minute warning for people to change their names from Rosh(it was Rosh wasn't it? I lost my logs and my memory for names sucks these days) or whatever lads things they had, he banned those who hadn't changed them after 20 minutes, which was actually a pretty good tactical decision.

2020-02-26 12:03:17 UTC  

I joined the lads server eventually after my defenestration cuz I was still friendly with most of them.

2020-02-26 12:04:36 UTC  

JF liked to add new mod waves and I was always wary and tried to keep them more in line with the old ways of... fuck I forget the names of the guys that were mods when I came around, it's been way too long. A few guys came in and got the boot shortly after, like that one guy who tried to make a bunch of extra rules for NSFW after like 2 days of being a mod and straight up backhanding my attempt to get him to chill.

2020-02-26 12:04:38 UTC  


2020-02-26 12:04:53 UTC  

Which comes to vlad, or as he was known, brodster.

2020-02-26 12:07:56 UTC  

He was an obnoxious brat in the mod channel from early on, and he just continually got worse, but it seemed he was neck-deep in ass-kissing JF so he just went along with his shit, went on and escalated for months to the point I felt that I would take some inspiration and just pull a Rosh and stand my ground til one of us was removed. Brod started playing the victim and at one point REFUSED TO GO ON JF'S STREAM AT THE SAME TIME AS ME for some blatantly bullshit reason that JF just bent over backwards for, and had me on, then him. He was a pussy little bitch trying to foment as much sympathy for himself as he could and I said as much at the time.

2020-02-26 12:09:08 UTC  

Oh yeah backstory: I had been a mod since both the old mods stopped showing up just before the Trout War. I was the sole mod for a number of months and Recessive Genes was the role I used to manipulate people into behaving without me having to moderate much, worked wonders.

2020-02-26 12:09:36 UTC  

oh I would watch that, do you know the episode?

2020-02-26 12:09:39 UTC  

go on tho

2020-02-26 12:10:04 UTC  

Eventually things came to a head and JF removed me as a mod, LITERALLY AS SOON AS I WASN'T A MOD the little shitstain came into VC with me and some other people and, for some glorious reason, I'd had him muted already so I didn't hear his smug chuckling.

2020-02-26 12:10:14 UTC

2020-02-26 12:10:22 UTC  


2020-02-26 12:10:28 UTC  

@marstomper is it really?

2020-02-26 12:11:28 UTC  

Soon enough he said I should "committee sudoku" and then I called that to JF's attention, at which point I was banned for threatening mods or something because JF is fallible(and has STILL never apologized for this travesty which is why I didn't bother coming back for like a year, til I had to make a new account cuz discord is shit and I figured I'd see how things were going)

2020-02-26 12:12:02 UTC  

after which brod was deposed because he played innocent saying he wasn't telling me to commit suicide cuz he used the word committee and the word sudoku