Message from @Husqvarna Chainsaw
Discord ID: 494954112148963328 The Great One
Ahead of pivotal Senate hearing, witnesses surface to say Christine Ford may have mistaken them for Kavanaugh
I'm a little confused here by the Left's view on things: if a college age woman sees a penis at a party, it's considered sexual assault. But if a little girl sees one in a ladies' restroom, it's considered tolerance. . .
Kavanaugh, Ford face the hot seat in Supreme battle; Kavanaugh a victim of mistaken identity? via
God Bless #Kavanaugh
.@realDonaldTrump is #MAGA
Democrats are the real homophobes
This is a farce
How long is this thing
@Freedom that isn’t Ford’s attorney, Katz. It’s Hillary’s personal photographer, Barbara Kinney.
Kinney is the top one, Katz is the bottom.
We're witnessing the ongoing weaponization of the FBI
wtf I love lindsey graham now
-226 points in 10 minutes
chinese communist bots out in full swing
I'll b there in a few. worlds biggest Ikea in sweden
I'll be there in a few...
What is going on with this hearing?
it's pickled
legg deg nå barn
@Deleted User hi.
Who would want to appoint a racist? 😏