Message from @Lying2women
Discord ID: 687269296191045638
remember when biden said we need to beat women
...'s violence
starting to think biden will win it all just because the Bernie fans are saying the DNC is losing on purpose
bernie people are always wrong
2016: Bernie to Trump pipeline
2020: Bernie to Skullmask pipeline
2024: shit to mouth pipeline
hope somnio is good
@Anti-Root Wigger what a shit take
literally didn't happen in 2016
or 17 or 18 or 19
I remember seeing berniebros vote for trump because they didn't like hillary but idk how represenitive that is
i did four times out of millions
sounds about right
i wanted to not vote in 16
He might as well, even he doesn't believe in his supposed revolution.
After seeing these results I think Biden might actually be the stronger pick for them
U can’t win with just young white dudes
He would be if he didn't have a degenerative brain illness.
Yeah they’re going to do the Hillary thing where they hide him away for the whole campaign
There's only so many New York Times op eds covering for Biden people can read before the reality sinks in.
I honestly don't know how they're going to work around this, they were apparently trying to allow for sitting down at the upcoming debates. The DNC must be shitting themselves.
I guess try and survive it all, somehow, and then switch in a VP.
He’ll be riding entirely on who his VP is.
I think everyone knows that’s who will be running the show
inb4 Hillary strikes back
Fucking reign of the septuagenarians. Boomers clinging onto power more than their own senility. Almost seems like an end of old America election in a sense, before the reality of demographic shifts come to bear.
Biden is a nostalgia vote for moderate white dem boomers.
Hillary as VP is a death sentence
I think he’ll go with a minority tho
Probably a blaq woman
Or a certain cherokee
Maybe to try and “extend a hand to the progressives”
Hillary will be given some kind of cabinet position tho. They’ll try at least