Message from @Lying2women

Discord ID: 687356500393590841

2020-03-11 17:31:20 UTC  

I c

2020-03-11 17:34:38 UTC  

its like when McCain picked Palin, he needed to salt of the earth proto-tea party types she represented

2020-03-11 17:35:18 UTC  

That comparison makes me think Biden has less of a chance than I thought before

2020-03-11 17:35:45 UTC  

Palin being stupid was astroturfed by media, harris wouldnt get the same treatment

2020-03-11 17:35:53 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:41:19 UTC

2020-03-11 17:43:30 UTC  

I'm not sure harris has that much pull despite ticking the POC box. I put this down to not being 'black enough'.

2020-03-11 17:44:24 UTC  

Palin is a grifter

2020-03-11 17:44:35 UTC  

She tried to co-opt the tea party

2020-03-11 17:45:00 UTC  

Black ice was saying Harris isn’t about POC it’s about white women

2020-03-11 17:45:22 UTC  

Want to look progressive but don’t want progressive policy

2020-03-11 17:45:29 UTC  

The dems are def going to pick a disastrous pander-vp like the gop did in 2008 with palin

2020-03-11 17:45:46 UTC  

Also, I'm not sure whether a POC VP is even needed with the POC turnout Biden generates, his being VP for Obama has already sealed his credentials for blacks.

2020-03-11 17:45:54 UTC  

Ah. I misread.

2020-03-11 17:46:37 UTC  

How big is Biden’s black support compared to Hillary?

2020-03-11 17:46:57 UTC  

I think they're going to make it a woman

2020-03-11 17:46:59 UTC  

Yeah, it'd be a nice little placation for the white prog crowd.

2020-03-11 17:47:10 UTC  

I don't think it will be warren harris or hrc

2020-03-11 17:47:42 UTC  

She will probably be dark skinned

2020-03-11 17:48:56 UTC  

AWFL fall all over themselves to performative elevate 'PoC'

2020-03-11 17:49:20 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:49:54 UTC  

Nina Turner or w/e is like their new pet project

2020-03-11 17:50:31 UTC  

Nina Turner is too fringe for AWFLs

2020-03-11 17:51:11 UTC  

They don't want someone who said Nancy Pelosi should stop being speaker

2020-03-11 17:51:58 UTC  

They want someone who votes like Maxine Waters but isn't as immediately mockable for being a total neoliberal

2020-03-11 17:52:11 UTC  

Imagine a black, less obnoxious version of Warren

2020-03-11 17:52:15 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:52:28 UTC  

It wont be anyone from the lefty squad

2020-03-11 17:52:47 UTC  

They're all anti-israel and that wont fly

2020-03-11 17:52:59 UTC  

Is Stacey abrams possible?

2020-03-11 17:53:04 UTC  


2020-03-11 17:53:39 UTC  

Biden coordinating with her, being from Alabama for a North-South unity ticket

2020-03-11 17:53:44 UTC  

That could potentially activate black turnout even more.

2020-03-11 17:54:18 UTC  

They usually try to tap someone from a swing state for vp

2020-03-11 17:54:23 UTC  

And totally part of the voting like a neolib while talking progressive line (at least on public VS. private schools)

2020-03-11 17:54:38 UTC  

Biden is already from PA so that might disrupt the trend

2020-03-11 17:56:49 UTC  

You just know they're trying their hardest to find someone lgbt

2020-03-11 17:57:00 UTC  

Not pete tho

2020-03-11 17:57:24 UTC  

They want either a masculine gay or a lipstick 'lesbean'

2020-03-11 17:58:11 UTC  

A leftist Jack Donovan or a more liberal Camile Paglia

2020-03-11 17:59:40 UTC  

I haven't seen raw numbers but I'm sure Biden has more of the black vote secured than Hillary did. The dem base feels especially comfortable voting for him since he doesn't have the baggage Hillary has, also he appeals to a pretty broad electorate, being seen as a blue dog democrat, a moderate bordering on conservative that can work across the aisle while passing some progressive policies along the way, returning the white house to sanity and dignity. Which is how he was able to sweep Alabama and more moderate states, and then most white prog dems would vote for him purely to remove Trump and they have high turnout rates being mostly the highly educated cohort among dems.