Message from @Lil’ Leafy
Discord ID: 509774120620261397
15 minutes
I voted red
But im on the west coast so that doesn’t matter
I wasn’t keeping track of the elections last night?
Did the red wave work or did we get cucked
So uh
We didn’t win?
@Sigma the Alpha Just get over it dude, the election was fair, they won the house fairly, dont be a crying 2016 liberal claiming some conspiracy
We won the Senate and defied history
We will crush them forever in 2020
Can I please be answered :’3
Yes it was fair
Lost house, Won HUGE in Senate and key Gov races.@Lil’ Leafy
So, overall a mixed result
Let’s get far with what we have
I am not delusional im not gonna be a cry baby and make up some story that there was no way they couldve won
@waze fair that a muslim who broke US law married her brother to get into our country or a women abuser was elected att general and is not a licensed attorney
The election was very close everywhere
And what do you think Democrats say about Trump and other Republicans like Justice Kavanaugh? Its a two way street, people will say stuff about the other political divide
i am a Republican Trump supporter and voted red down the ballot
but im not gonna shrink down to liberal levels and cry about an election
no one is crying, just pointing out the fraud and corruption
Okay my opinion was that it was as fair as any American election in history could be
Trump will win 2020 and I hope they find some way to work together where they wont be spending a lot of money
and build the wall
the dems r not going to work with Trump. It will be 2 more yrs of bullshit
I will give them the benefit of the doubt for now, everybody gets a clean slate except Hillary and Obama for me
Politics can be a nasty thing and I'd rather be optimistic and hope for the best than be in despair
We need to be different. If we cannot believe people can change, we may never achieve peace
@Lil’ Leafy Thank you