Message from @Bluviolette
Discord ID: 509755060356644888
@WarOfTheFanboys I think we needed this. Trump reds a shot in the ass. His daughter and the plastic man are dangerous. Gen Kelly is extremely dangerous. McMasters is dangerous. Mathis is ok I guess, but you still don’t hear, Radical Islam!
Why? Those three dicks fired the only ppl Trump hired who were naming the enemy.
He needs a wake up call before it gets to that point that you said it wouldn’t get to. Yes there will be some form of civil discourse that claims lives if this wall doesn’t go up and these ppl don’t get shipped out
Operation Wetback - Wikipedia
It can be done. That started under Roosevelt and ended under Ike. It is what it is. You accept illegals and more immigrants, you’re accepting your fate💋
House goes
"Impeach Trump"
Senate says no
Trump says
"Remove Citizenship"
Will the house bring it to supreme court? 😏
Trump says
New Judges, Senate approves
I am pretty sure Trade Deals can be approved by the senate.
This is the greatest thing that could have happened.
15 minutes
I voted red
But im on the west coast so that doesn’t matter
I wasn’t keeping track of the elections last night?
Did the red wave work or did we get cucked
So uh
We didn’t win?
@Sigma the Alpha Just get over it dude, the election was fair, they won the house fairly, dont be a crying 2016 liberal claiming some conspiracy
We won the Senate and defied history
We will crush them forever in 2020
Can I please be answered :’3
Yes it was fair
Lost house, Won HUGE in Senate and key Gov races.@Lil’ Leafy
So, overall a mixed result
Let’s get far with what we have
That’s what I say