Message from @rsashe1980
Discord ID: 509773001647063050
House goes
"Impeach Trump"
Senate says no
Trump says
"Remove Citizenship"
Will the house bring it to supreme court? 😏
Trump says
New Judges, Senate approves
I am pretty sure Trade Deals can be approved by the senate.
This is the greatest thing that could have happened.
15 minutes
I voted red
But im on the west coast so that doesn’t matter
I wasn’t keeping track of the elections last night?
Did the red wave work or did we get cucked
So uh
We didn’t win?
@Sigma the Alpha Just get over it dude, the election was fair, they won the house fairly, dont be a crying 2016 liberal claiming some conspiracy
We won the Senate and defied history
We will crush them forever in 2020
Can I please be answered :’3
Yes it was fair
Lost house, Won HUGE in Senate and key Gov races.@Lil’ Leafy
So, overall a mixed result
Let’s get far with what we have
That’s what I say
I am not delusional im not gonna be a cry baby and make up some story that there was no way they couldve won
@waze fair that a muslim who broke US law married her brother to get into our country or a women abuser was elected att general and is not a licensed attorney
The election was very close everywhere