Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 282636847115403264
everyone please bump the thread
the bread rises
Hey, the invite to this discord was on twitter-That might be a bit dangerous
There needs to be vetting of some sort
We do have a vetting system.
Unvetted members are barred from viewing certain channels.
Ah, ok
I was a bit concerned
There's a reason that it's the PUBLIC server 😃
Vetted members have access to some private channels.
another discord I was in had an infiltrater in it
Bump the thread niggers
please bump you cucks
@Rhalitra-WI When you work as a fast food resturant worker and get paid as much as a CEO of a major corporation
top jej
Ive come to the conclusion that I dont think IQ matters too much
i think its just bad education and an opportunistic party that teaches people to ask for gibs
before the welfare state kicked off blacks were as clasically liberal as whites in america
so you know
i dont think we need an ethnostate
even whites are starting to ask for gibs more now
its just it took longer for the public education system
and hollywood
to get to us
My enthnostate would encompass most of mainland europe, half of the british isles, and a third of the US land holdings
and africa
because #deeproots
The purpose of trying to maintain the nation's ethnic makeup is to preserve it's culture and identity. Culture is downstream from identity. The United States has always been dominantly European, and that's what made it great.
yeah but i think its obvious you can teach people freedom and it will stick