Message from @Takebackourfreedom

Discord ID: 417230440878047242

2018-02-25 08:00:57 UTC  

Fair enough

2018-02-25 08:01:11 UTC  

So the have major control on 5 areas: 1. Financial 2. Agricultural. 3. Educational, 4. Ecclesiastical 5. Media

2018-02-25 08:01:31 UTC  

They could unleash a zombie apocalypse before any of them go down.

2018-02-25 08:01:32 UTC  

There must be dedicated groups to counter in all of these 5 parts

2018-02-25 08:01:41 UTC  

Bitcoin controlled? Idk

2018-02-25 08:01:47 UTC  

Y'all might want to check out current Q posts on here.

2018-02-25 08:01:49 UTC  

They will eventually

2018-02-25 08:01:55 UTC  

How current is the Q post

2018-02-25 08:02:02 UTC  

They are moving to a cashless system

2018-02-25 08:02:07 UTC  

How is ag controlled? I’m in the Midwest fam of farmers.

2018-02-25 08:02:20 UTC  

and they wrote papers in 1998 about Blockchain

2018-02-25 08:02:27 UTC  

Yes India is already there- destroying the poor

2018-02-25 08:02:29 UTC  

its more like they want control in the 1) Military 2) Government 3) Economy. all three feed one another

2018-02-25 08:02:30 UTC  

We don't know whats going to happen. For all we know it might be Rothschild who is controlling the Q movement

2018-02-25 08:02:32 UTC  

NSA if I remember correctly

2018-02-25 08:02:54 UTC  

Could be..

2018-02-25 08:03:16 UTC  

@Tina i doubt she can figure out the Chan’s but ur right anything is possible.

2018-02-25 08:04:18 UTC  

@Deleted User I agree and #3 is starting to take shape. It’s time for the majority to start voting with our wallets

2018-02-25 08:04:27 UTC  

They have enough money and money talks and they have admitted to playing both sides

2018-02-25 08:04:29 UTC  

at this point i feel like we kinda just have to see what the cabal does. we have fired along their bow a warning shot and have showed we are no letting up. balls in their court

2018-02-25 08:04:48 UTC  

That’s scary- enter parkland.

2018-02-25 08:05:20 UTC  

parkland is just the beginning. these guys wont go quietly

2018-02-25 08:05:47 UTC  

Remember the train wreak attempt

2018-02-25 08:05:53 UTC  

Of course not why would they? It wouldn’t be a storm wo em?

2018-02-25 08:06:16 UTC  

@Tina yep day after release the memo

2018-02-25 08:06:53 UTC  

I'm going to sleep

2018-02-25 08:07:02 UTC  


2018-02-25 08:07:06 UTC  


2018-02-25 08:07:08 UTC  

c ya @Tina

2018-02-25 08:07:15 UTC  

Night Tina

2018-02-25 08:07:32 UTC  

Anyone knows what is Q's Phase 2?

2018-02-25 08:07:39 UTC  

Found this

2018-02-25 08:07:58 UTC  

look at the events after the memo was released. literally they bombarded the news with attemps at stopping us

2018-02-25 08:08:21 UTC  


2018-02-25 08:08:46 UTC  

So they promoted the reaction of the deepstate?

2018-02-25 08:09:07 UTC  

Ya so I looked into that a bit... very bit all reviews are NY times no surprise author was correspondent for Moscow b4 wapo

2018-02-25 08:09:10 UTC  

Is Q studying their reactions?

2018-02-25 08:09:37 UTC  

what if that was phase one. get the public riled up and emotional enough so that any spark could ignite the powder keg. what if phase two is that spark?

2018-02-25 08:09:56 UTC  

Ya MSM is concerned bc people are realizing it’s totally fake and people are dropping cable

2018-02-25 08:10:25 UTC  

Boom bitches! Bring it. Hope ur right